Food news


This is Sadhguru’s idea of a 2-minute ‘highly nutritious’ breakfast

Include a mix of macronutrients in your breakfast carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats for sustained energy and satiety, said Sushma PS, chief dietician, Jindal Naturecure Institute

Control heart palpitations and anxiety with these 8 cardiologist-approved tips

Palpitations are a common and often unsettling sensation where an individual becomes acutely aware of their heart beating. These episodes can feel like the heart is racing, fluttering, or pounding, and may occur in the chest, throat, or neck. While palpitations are usually harmless and temporary, they can sometimes indicate underlying health issues. Stress, anxiety, caffeine intake, dehydration, and certain medications can trigger these...

5 Easy Ways To Consume Tulsi Leaves On Empty Stomach

The religious significance of the Tulsi plant in Hinduism is unrivalled. A Vaishnava legend relates the origin of the tulsi to the Samudra Manthana, the churning of the cosmic ocean by the devas and the asuras. Its religious significance has caused tulsi leaves to be held with reverence with medicinal properties for years. More than 100 ailments can be cured by tulsi leaves. Its long history of use in Ayurveda can be attributed to the medicinal...

How Do Ginger Shots Aid Weight Loss And Boost Your Metabolism?

Ginger is one of the best ingredients to help you lose weight. And so, taking ginger shots every day helps stabilize your blood sugar, has anti-inflammatory effects, and boosts your metabolism – which leads to a healthy weight loss. Read on to know more.

Dengue fever precautions: Ways to prevent mosquito breeding in and around your home

From preventing stagnant water around us to calling home mosquito control, here are a few precautions we can take to combat dengue fever.

Think it’s the brain? It may be the gut

Our nervous system controls a lot more than we think

Chandipura Virus in India: Symptoms, Treatment & How to Protect Your Children

Get the facts about the Chandipura virus! A doctor breaks down everything you need to know: how it spreads, how to identify symptoms in children, and crucial steps to prevent infection. Watch now and share this vital information with others!Chandipura Virus in India: Symptoms, Treatment & How to Protect Your Children

8 yoga techniques and postures for energy and vitality

Boosting energy combines prana, chakras, meridians, yoga (inversions, backbends, warrior poses, Surya Namaskar), pranayama (Kapalabhati, Breath Awareness), mindful lifestyle choices (nutrition, hydration, sleep, stress management), positive mindset, laughter, social connections, body movement, and consistency, as highlighted by meditation guru Dr. Archika Sudhanshu.

10 signs of unhealthy gut: Indigestion, skin irritation, fatigue, chronic inflammation, more

The gut, or gastrointestinal (GI) tract, plays a crucial role in digestion, absorption, and overall health. Starting at the mouth and extending through the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, the gut is responsible for breaking down food into nutrients that the body can absorb and utilise. The stomach initiates digestion by mixing food with gastric juices, while the small intestine continues this process and absorbs...

What Is Diabetic Neuropathy And How It Can Be Prevented

Diabetes can raise people’s blood sugar levels and they have to try to keep it under control throughout their lives. When the blood sugar level of diabetics gets out of control and stays that way for a long time, the nerves begin to damage. If nerves are damaged due to excessive blood sugar levels, this is called diabetic neuropathy. When the nerves of a part of our body are damaged, the nerves no longer send signals to that part. For this...

5 bedtime Yoga asanas to beat stress, boost sleep quality

Learn about 5 bedtime yoga poses that can help improve your sleep quality and overall well-being. These poses focus on relaxation, stress relief, and preparing the body for restful sleep. Incorporating these into your night-time routine may have beneficial effects on your sleep patterns.

4 simple habits that will help you keep fit throughout life, from a personal trainer who works with active 90 year olds

People are living longer and want to know how to stay healthy to enjoy those extra years. A personal trainer said to find an activity you love and stick with it.

Water Fasting Yields Remarkable Weight Loss: Individual Sheds 13 Kilograms in 21 Days | ABP Health Live

People employ diverse methods to lose weight, from adjusting their diets to rigorous exercise regimens. In a parallel story, Adis Miller from Costa Rica recently achieved remarkable results within 21 days, shedding an impressive 13 kilograms. Her method of choice was water fasting, a practice where only water is consumed for a specified period. Water fasting involves abstaining from all food and beverages except water, aiming to promote...

Obesity & it's types | Overweight Causes & Symptoms

#medicines #drnajeeb #obesity #obesitytreatment Obesity & it's types | Overweight Causes & Symptoms Like this video? Sign up now on our website at to access 800+ Exclusive videos on Basic Medical Sciences & Clinical Medicine. These are premium videos (NOT FROM YOUTUBE). All these videos come with English subtitles & download options. Sign up now! Get Lifetime Access for a one-time payment of $99 ONLY! Sign up now on our website at!/register-fast --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why sign up for premium membership? Here's why! Membership Features for premium website members. 1. More than 800+ Medical Lectures. 2. Basic Medical Sciences & Clinical Medicine. 3. Mobile-friendly interface with android and iOS apps. 4. English subtitles and new videos every week. 5. Download option for offline video playback. 6. Fanatic customer support and that's 24/7. 7. Fast video playback option to learn faster. 8. Trusted by over 2M+ students in 190 countries. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Overweight and obesity are defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health. A body mass index (BMI) over 25 is considered overweight, and over 30 is obese. How to tell if you're living with obesity The most widely used method to check if you're a healthy weight is body mass index (BMI). BMI is a measure of whether you're a healthy weight for your height. You can use the NHS BMI healthy weight calculator to find out your BMI. For most adults, if your BMI is: below 18.5 – you're in the underweight range 18.5 to 24.9 – you're in the healthy weight range 25 to 29.9 – you're in the overweight range 30 to 39.9 – you're in the obese range 40 or above – you're in the severely obese range If you have a South Asian, Chinese, other Asian, Middle Eastern, Black African or African-Caribbean family background you'll need to use a lower BMI score to measure overweight and obesity: 23 to 27.4 – you're in the overweight range 27.5 or above – you're in the obese range BMI score has some limitations because it measures whether a person is carrying too much weight but not too much fat. For example, people who are very muscular, like professional sportspeople, can have a high BMI without much fat. But for most people, BMI is a useful indication of whether they're a healthy weight. Another measure of excess fat is waist to height ratio, which can be used as an additional measure in adults who have a BMI under 35. To calculate your waist to height ratio, measure around your waist just above your belly button, and divide it by your height, measured in the same units (for example, centimetres or inches). A waist to height ratio of 0.5 or higher means you may have increased health risks. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Join this channel to get access to perks: Sign up now on our website at!/register-fast Follow us on Facebook :- Follow us on Instagram :-

'Extreme heat epidemic': Growing number of workers face exposure to heat stress, says UN report

UN has warned that humanity is suffering an extreme heat epidemic... It added that a growing number of workers are facing exposure to heat stress, even in regions with traditional mild climates...

New Shingles Jab Slashes The Risk Of Dementia By 17 Percent

The shingles vaccine could decrease the risk of dementia by 17 per cent, a new study suggests. University of Oxford researchers found that the Shingrix vaccine is linked to a significantly lower risk of dementia in the six years after vaccination than the previously used Zostavax jab.

Complex PTSD self-care essentials for success: Therapist shares tips

From self-compassion to self-awareness, here are a few self-care essentials for success.

Can all-nighters really help you ace your exams? Doctor shares why you shouldn’t skip sleeping the night before

Grant shared that lack of sleep impairs attention, alertness, concentration, reasoning, and problem-solving skills.

Urgent stomach cancer warning: Do not ignore these 5 common symptoms

Health experts highlight urgent stomach cancer warning as people urged to not ignore these five common symptoms of gastric cancer

Causes of nicotine addiction at a young stage, and how to prevent it

Tobacco kills more than 80 lakh people every year. Among them, 13 lakhs are those who die due to exposure to second-hand smoke. According to Global Adult Tobacco Survey 2 2016-17, 28.6 percent of Indian adults are tobacco users, of which 14.2 percent are females and 42.4 percent are males. Dr Kuldeep Kumar Grover, head of critical care and pulmonology, CK Birla hospital, Gurugram talks about the symptoms of nicotine addiction and how one can get...

Single-dose Nasal Spray Could Wash The Brain Off Toxic Alzheimer’s Proteins

A nasal spray that helps ‘wash Alzheimer’s-causing toxic proteins out of the brain could one day offer hope to millions who suffer from the disease, a new study has revealed. While the causes of this generative disease are still not fully understood, scientists have been studying the build-up of tau proteins in the brain that lead to cognitive decline. The proteins clump and form tangles, disrupting signals along neurons, or brain cells. Read on...

5 warning signs of diabetes you may experience at night

Diabetes can affect sleep quality due to symptoms like frequent urination, excessive sweating, dry throat, blurry vision, and post-dinner hunger. Managing blood sugar levels through healthy lifestyle changes is crucial for diabetics to address these issues.

Anxiety In Older Adults May Increase Dementia Risk By Three Times, Finds Study

A new study published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society said that people who have anxiety could have three times increased risk of developing dementia. Researchers said that people whose anxiety was resolved did not have a higher dementia risk compared to those who never had it. Read on to know more about the study.

From muscle strength to bone density, reducing stress and more, here's why hiking is the best exercise

Hiking is more than just a leisure activity—it is a powerful tool for enhancing physical, mental, and emotional well-being. As the world becomes increasingly fast-paced and technology-driven, the simple act of walking in nature offers a profound antidote. Here are the many health benefits of hiking, from cardiovascular improvements to mental clarity, and why it should be a regular part of your wellness routine: Cardiovascular fitnessOne of the...

8 healthy habits that keep your brain young

Learn how to maintain optimal brain health through a combination of healthy habits. From nutrition to exercise, mental stimulation, and stress management, follow these tips to support cognitive function and overall well-being.

Benefits of eating 6 soaked almonds every morning

Daily consumption of soaked almonds improved nutrient absorption, boosted heart and brain health, managed weight, aided digestion, and helped diabetes patients. High in nutrients, these nuts offered excellent health benefits.

Health benefits of bitter gourd: Improves digestion, boosts immunity, manages weight, more

Bitter gourd, also known as karela, is a green, bumpy vegetable known for its distinct bitter taste. It is rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and various nutrients that offer numerous health benefits. To prepare bitter gourd, start by washing and slicing it into thin rounds. Remove the seeds if desired. To reduce bitterness, sprinkle salt on the slices and let them sit for about 30 minutes, then rinse. You can cook bitter gourd by stir-frying with...

7 deadly diseases that common house rats can cause

Rats pose serious health threats, including hantavirus, plague, and salmonella. Recent deaths in the US highlight the urgency of awareness and the need for effective rodent control and good hygiene practices to prevent diseases.

What Happens When You Stop Eating Sugar?

Your body breaks down added sugar into glucose which helps to provide your body with energy. However, it also spikes your blood sugar levels. When you have blood sugar spikes frequently, it can lead to diabetes and other health problems. Therefore, it is important that you cut down your sugar consumption. Here, take a look at the what happens to your body when you stop eating sugar.

These are the healthiest alcoholic drinks, as per experts

Certain alcoholic beverages can offer health benefits when consumed in moderation. Red wine, champagne, tequila, whiskey, gin, light beer, and sake are considered some of the healthiest options due to their antioxidant properties, lower calorie content, and potential benefits for heart health, digestion, and overall well-being. Moderation is key.

Is your child just being a child or has ADHD? 6 signs to watch out for

While child behaviors could be considered normal, excessive and persistent behaviors might be signs of attention deficit disorder (ADHD). Parents may make sure their child gets the resources and support they need to thrive despite the obstacles of ADHD by identifying the indications and consulting a specialist.

10 career paths for you after completing PhD in Ayurveda

Here are 10 career paths for you if you have completed your PhD in Ayurveda.

Alia Bhatt's fitness secrets: Achieving her post-baby body with cardio, yoga, and more

Alia Bhatt's exercise regime is evidence of her commitment and well-rounded attitude toward wellness. We too may strive for a comparable degree of health and fitness by taking her lead and mixing up your workout regime. Read further to know more and follow what Alia Bhatt does for her healthy body.

High Blood Pressure: Signs, Symptoms, Causes, Risk Factors And More About Hypertension

High blood pressure the force of the blood that is pushing against the walls of the arteries. It can make the heart work harder and in the long term can affect heart health. If you have high blood pressure that is untreated, it increases the risk of heart attack, stroke and other health issues. Read on to know the symptoms, causes, risk factors and management of hypertension.

Injectable HIV medication: What you need to know

Long-acting injectable medication is seen as an effective alternative to taking pills to treat or prevent HIV infection.

Is your cup of garam chai curing your headache or giving you one?

Tea is one of the most popular beverages in the world, with various types like chamomile and green tea that may offer different benefits for your body.

Brain health: Five most damaging habits to avoid

Certain habits can significantly impair your brain's function and overall health.

6 brain sharpening foods to eat everyday

Incorporating these brain-boosting foods into your daily diet can enhance cognitive function, improve memory, and protect your brain from age-related decline. By making these foods a regular part of your meals, you can support your brain health and maintain sharp mental faculties throughout your life.

10 habits that can change your life for the better

Who doesn't want to be happy and successful in life? If you also aspire to be so, here we list down 10 habits you can cultivate in order to align with your highest self.

Over 1800 disease outbreaks reported across country last year: Govt

A total of 1,862 disease outbreaks were reported to the Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme last year, with the highest number being reported from Kerala, the Lok Sabha was informed on Friday. Kerala reported 253 outbreaks, followed by Karnataka with 223, Maharashtra with 208, and Madhya Pradesh with 140.

Chia Seeds Vs Sabja Seeds: Which Is Healthier? Expert Answers

Chia seeds and sabja seeds are both popular superfoods with unique health benefits. Chia seeds offer higher protein and omega-3 fatty acids, supporting heart and bone health. Sabja seeds excel in digestive health and blood sugar control. Choosing between them can be tough. Hence, we got in touch with a health expert who explains which one is healthier to consume.

If you are struggling with knee pain due to arthritis, this exercise can help

Those who biked or cycled at any point in their lives were significantly less likely to develop knee pain and even knee pain associated with arthritis, a study has found

Fossil stone water bottle: 5 reasons to use it as your drinking vessel

Fossil stone water bottles gained popularity for their natural filtration, eco-friendliness, and health benefits. The bottles filter impurities, provide essential minerals, and reduce plastic use. They are durable, aesthetically pleasing, and maintain water temperature, making them a preferred choice.

10 drinks and juices to burn belly fat fast

Belly fat loss: Green tea, ginger tea, lemon water and other drinks and juices to reduce belly fat

Fast Food and Teen Health: The Impact of Fast Food Consumption on Teenage Health

As the school bell rang, Akash and his friends rushed out of the classroom, their stomachs growling. Within minutes, they reached the fast-food joint just outside their school and ordered their favourites—burgers, fries, and large milkshakes. As their orders arrived just moments later, they devoured the food quickly. This was Akash’s third visit to the fast-food joint this week. But as good as the food tasted, little did the 14-year-old know...

Recommended by Madhavan: What is intermittent fasting diet for weight loss? Autophagy, benefits and more

Actor Madhavan credits intermittent fasting for weight loss. Let's examine intermittent fasting and its mechanisms. Japanese scientist Yoshinori Ohsumi won the Nobel Prize for autophagy research, which is closely connected to this type of diet.

Uttanasana: Health Benefits Of The Standing Forward Bend, How To Do It

There are different yoga asanas and each of them has its own benefits. One of them is Uttanasana. Also known as the Standing Forward Bend, this asana has several health benefits. Read on to know more about the health benefits of the standing pose and how to perform the asana.

Why Should You Add Dark Chocolate To Your Diet?

While a lot of people tend to avoid dark chocolate, there are certain people who love dark chocolate due to its rich and decadent taste. Dark chocolates are rich in essential minerals and antioxidants which are known to be beneficial for the body. Read on to know the health benefits of dark chocolate.

Hookah vs Vape vs Cigarette: Which is more harmful? | Do Flavoring Agents make them more addictive?

Ever heard the argument “Its just a vape, not a cigarette” and tried to counter it with a valid reasoning. On The Breakfast Club Sonal Mehrotra Kapoor speaks with Dr Vivek Nangia, Pulmonologist, Max Hospital to understand which is worse? And, what hookah smoking does to your health? #smoking #hookah #health Moneycontrol is India's leading financial and business portal with in-depth market coverage, analysis, expert opinions, and a gamut of financial tools.A part of Network18, is the most influential destination for stock market news and advice, business news, and news about the Indian and global economy.Subscribe: us:Visit

Weight Loss Story: This 23-Year-Old Girl Lost 34 Kgs By Dancing In 1.5 Years

Real life weight loss story: If you have the passion to do something, then nothing can stop you. This turned out to be true for 23-Year-Old Manvi Kedia who achieved her weight loss goals with her passion for dancing. She was able to lose 34 Kgs within 1.5 years due to dancing. Here’s her story.