
Teflon Flu Cases Surge In The US; Tips And Measures To Prevent Yourself From This Condition

Teflon flu occurs when non-stick pans are overheated, releasing toxic fumes that can cause flu-like symptoms. Over the past two decades, poison centres in the US have documented over 3,600 suspected cases of this disease.

Fossil stone water bottle: 5 reasons to use it as your drinking vessel

Fossil stone water bottles gained popularity for their natural filtration, eco-friendliness, and health benefits. The bottles filter impurities, provide essential minerals, and reduce plastic use. They are durable, aesthetically pleasing, and maintain water temperature, making them a preferred choice.

Control heart palpitations and anxiety with these 8 cardiologist-approved tips

Palpitations are a common and often unsettling sensation where an individual becomes acutely aware of their heart beating. These episodes can feel like the heart is racing, fluttering, or pounding, and may occur in the chest, throat, or neck. While palpitations are usually harmless and temporary, they can sometimes indicate underlying health issues. Stress, anxiety, caffeine intake, dehydration, and certain medications can trigger these...

9 foods that are called "Amrit" in Ayurveda

Adding these Ayurvedic "Amrit" foods into your diet, you can harness the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda to enhance your overall health and well-being. These foods offer a natural way to maintain balance and harmony in the body, promoting a long and healthy life.

8 yoga techniques and postures for energy and vitality

Boosting energy combines prana, chakras, meridians, yoga (inversions, backbends, warrior poses, Surya Namaskar), pranayama (Kapalabhati, Breath Awareness), mindful lifestyle choices (nutrition, hydration, sleep, stress management), positive mindset, laughter, social connections, body movement, and consistency, as highlighted by meditation guru Dr. Archika Sudhanshu.

Brain health: Five most damaging habits to avoid

Certain habits can significantly impair your brain's function and overall health.

6 brain sharpening foods to eat everyday

Incorporating these brain-boosting foods into your daily diet can enhance cognitive function, improve memory, and protect your brain from age-related decline. By making these foods a regular part of your meals, you can support your brain health and maintain sharp mental faculties throughout your life.

Dengue fever precautions: Ways to prevent mosquito breeding in and around your home

From preventing stagnant water around us to calling home mosquito control, here are a few precautions we can take to combat dengue fever.

What Happens When You Stop Eating Sugar?

Your body breaks down added sugar into glucose which helps to provide your body with energy. However, it also spikes your blood sugar levels. When you have blood sugar spikes frequently, it can lead to diabetes and other health problems. Therefore, it is important that you cut down your sugar consumption. Here, take a look at the what happens to your body when you stop eating sugar.

Unhealthy gut? 10 signs you should not ignore

Unhealthy gut? 10 signs you should not ignore.

High Blood Pressure: Signs, Symptoms, Causes, Risk Factors And More About Hypertension

High blood pressure the force of the blood that is pushing against the walls of the arteries. It can make the heart work harder and in the long term can affect heart health. If you have high blood pressure that is untreated, it increases the risk of heart attack, stroke and other health issues. Read on to know the symptoms, causes, risk factors and management of hypertension.

Chandipura Virus in India: Symptoms, Treatment & How to Protect Your Children

Get the facts about the Chandipura virus! A doctor breaks down everything you need to know: how it spreads, how to identify symptoms in children, and crucial steps to prevent infection. Watch now and share this vital information with others!Chandipura Virus in India: Symptoms, Treatment & How to Protect Your Children

Recommended by Madhavan: What is intermittent fasting diet for weight loss? Autophagy, benefits and more

Actor Madhavan credits intermittent fasting for weight loss. Let's examine intermittent fasting and its mechanisms. Japanese scientist Yoshinori Ohsumi won the Nobel Prize for autophagy research, which is closely connected to this type of diet.

Health benefits of bitter gourd: Improves digestion, boosts immunity, manages weight, more

Bitter gourd, also known as karela, is a green, bumpy vegetable known for its distinct bitter taste. It is rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and various nutrients that offer numerous health benefits. To prepare bitter gourd, start by washing and slicing it into thin rounds. Remove the seeds if desired. To reduce bitterness, sprinkle salt on the slices and let them sit for about 30 minutes, then rinse. You can cook bitter gourd by stir-frying with...

10 habits that can change your life for the better

Who doesn't want to be happy and successful in life? If you also aspire to be so, here we list down 10 habits you can cultivate in order to align with your highest self.

Single-dose Nasal Spray Could Wash The Brain Off Toxic Alzheimer’s Proteins

A nasal spray that helps ‘wash Alzheimer’s-causing toxic proteins out of the brain could one day offer hope to millions who suffer from the disease, a new study has revealed. While the causes of this generative disease are still not fully understood, scientists have been studying the build-up of tau proteins in the brain that lead to cognitive decline. The proteins clump and form tangles, disrupting signals along neurons, or brain cells. Read on...

Complex PTSD self-care essentials for success: Therapist shares tips

From self-compassion to self-awareness, here are a few self-care essentials for success.

10 drinks and juices to burn belly fat fast

Belly fat loss: Green tea, ginger tea, lemon water and other drinks and juices to reduce belly fat

4 simple habits that will help you keep fit throughout life, from a personal trainer who works with active 90 year olds

People are living longer and want to know how to stay healthy to enjoy those extra years. A personal trainer said to find an activity you love and stick with it.

Psychological stress: 8 tips to reduce stress, boost energy levels and improve mental health

Psychological stress is a form of mental strain or tension that arises when an individual perceives a discrepancy between the demands placed upon them and their ability to cope with those demands. It can be triggered by various factors, such as academic pressures, financial worries, personal relationships, and significant life changes. Unlike physical stress, which manifests through bodily symptoms, psychological stress affects the mind, leading...

This is Sadhguru’s idea of a 2-minute ‘highly nutritious’ breakfast

Include a mix of macronutrients in your breakfast carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats for sustained energy and satiety, said Sushma PS, chief dietician, Jindal Naturecure Institute

Haircare tips: 6 DIY hair masks with egg, curd, and aamchur for healthy hair

It’s amazing how natural kitchen ingredients can address various hair concerns. Creating homemade hair masks has never been easier. With ingredients like curd and rice water, these DIY recipes can nourish, enhance, and add luster to your hair, all without expensive salon trips: Curd hair mask: Curd contains protein and probioticsthat nourish the scalp and hair follicles, promoting hair growth and improving hair texture. Additionally, the lactic...

8 healthy habits that keep your brain young

Learn how to maintain optimal brain health through a combination of healthy habits. From nutrition to exercise, mental stimulation, and stress management, follow these tips to support cognitive function and overall well-being.

Cardiac Arrest vs. Heart Attack: Expert Debunks Common Myths Around Heart Health

While a heart attack involves blocked blood flow to the heart, cardiac arrest is an electrical malfunction causing the heart to stop. However, still people use these two terms interchangeably that causes confusion in treatment during emergencies. We got in touch with a health expert who debunks myths around these two heart related problems. Read on.

A doctor's five mantras to shedding weight, embracing fitness

Fortis Escorts pulmonologist Dr Ravi Shekhar Jha shares how he scientifically reduced his weight by 12 kilos in a year

Fast Food and Teen Health: The Impact of Fast Food Consumption on Teenage Health

As the school bell rang, Akash and his friends rushed out of the classroom, their stomachs growling. Within minutes, they reached the fast-food joint just outside their school and ordered their favourites—burgers, fries, and large milkshakes. As their orders arrived just moments later, they devoured the food quickly. This was Akash’s third visit to the fast-food joint this week. But as good as the food tasted, little did the 14-year-old know...

10 everyday vegetables to reduce blood sugar

Blood sugar diabetes treatment: Best vegetables to reduce blood sugar levels

Turmeric, ginger, celery, milk thistle and more, these 9 Indian herbs will lower uric acid levels naturally

High uric acid levels can lead to gout, a form of arthritis characterised by sudden, severe attacks of pain, redness, and tenderness in joints. While medication is often prescribed to manage this condition, incorporating certain herbs into your diet can also help lower uric acid levels naturally. Here are the most effective herbs for reducing uric acid and alleviating gout symptoms (Image: Canva)Turmeric: Turmeric, known for its vibrant yellow colour, is a powerful anti-inflammatory herb that can help lower uric acid levels. Curcumin, the active compound in turmeric, inhibits the production of uric acid and reduces inflammation in the joints. Adding turmeric to your diet can be as simple as sprinkling it on your meals or drinking turmeric tea (Image: Canva)Ginger: Ginger is another herb renowned for its anti-inflammatory properties. It contains gingerols, which have been shown to reduce inflammation and lower uric acid levels. You can incorporate ginger into your diet by adding it to teas, smoothies, and various dishes. Fresh ginger root or ginger powder can both be effective (Image: Canva)Dandelion: Dandelion is more than just a common weed; it is a potent herb with diuretic properties that can help the kidneys eliminate excess uric acid. Dandelion tea is a popular way to consume this herb. Drinking a cup of dandelion tea daily can assist in maintaining healthy uric acid levels (Image: Canva)Devil’s Claw: Devil’s Claw, a herb native to Southern Africa, has been traditionally used for its pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties. Studies suggest that Devil’s Claw can help reduce uric acid levels and alleviate gout symptoms. It is commonly available in capsule or tincture form, making it easy to incorporate into your routine (Image: Canva)Celery Seed: Celery seed is a powerful detoxifier that helps remove uric acid from the body. It contains luteolin, a compound that inhibits the enzyme xanthine oxidase, which is responsible for producing uric acid. Celery seed extract can be taken as a supplement or used in cooking to reap its benefits (Image: Canva)Nettle: Nettle has been used for centuries to treat a variety of ailments, including gout. It is rich in anti-inflammatory compounds that can help lower uric acid levels and reduce pain. Nettle tea is an excellent way to consume this herb. Drinking two to three cups of nettle tea daily can be beneficial (Image: Canva)Milk Thistle: Milk Thistle is well-known for its liver-supporting properties, which can indirectly help manage uric acid levels. A healthy liver is essential for processing and eliminating uric acid. Silymarin, the active ingredient in milk thistle, promotes liver health and function. Milk thistle is available in capsule, tablet, and tea forms (Image: Canva)Hibiscus: Hibiscus is a tropical plant known for its beautiful flowers and tart flavour. It has been shown to reduce uric acid levels due to its diuretic properties. Hibiscus tea is a refreshing way to include this herb in your diet. Drinking hibiscus tea regularly can aid in the natural reduction of uric acid (Image: Canva)Green Tea: Green tea is renowned for its numerous health benefits, including its ability to lower uric acid levels. It is rich in antioxidants, particularly catechins, which help reduce inflammation and support kidney function. Drinking one to two cups of green tea daily can contribute to maintaining healthy uric acid levels (Image: Canva)

New Shingles Jab Slashes The Risk Of Dementia By 17 Percent

The shingles vaccine could decrease the risk of dementia by 17 per cent, a new study suggests. University of Oxford researchers found that the Shingrix vaccine is linked to a significantly lower risk of dementia in the six years after vaccination than the previously used Zostavax jab.

Struggling With Negative Emotions? Here Are 5 Ways to Manage Them Better

Ever find yourself sinking deep into anger, resentment, guilt or other negative emotions? While it seems difficult to process these, the ability to feel and express them is more important than you think. While other common emotions can be beneficial in everyday life, intense negative ones can harm your mental health and interpersonal relationships if they become out of control. Certain emotions are positive. Think about happiness, joy, or love....

8 Ways to Be Kinder to Yourself

Discover eight transformative ways to practice self-kindness. From embracing imperfections to cultivating positive self-talk, learn to treat yourself with compassion, set healthy boundaries, and nurture your well-being, paving the way for a more fulfilling and balanced life.

Injectable HIV medication: What you need to know

Long-acting injectable medication is seen as an effective alternative to taking pills to treat or prevent HIV infection.

Treating Constipation To Fighting Signs Of Ageing, Benefits Of Neem

Neem is very popular as a medicinal plant. Its leaves and extracts are widely used for various health and beauty purposes because of its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and restorative qualities. This excellent herb is also a great source of fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals that are useful for healthy skin and good health. It also contains active ingredients like azadirachtin, nimbidin, and nimbolide, which have incredible...

From muscle strength to bone density, reducing stress and more, here's why hiking is the best exercise

Hiking is more than just a leisure activity—it is a powerful tool for enhancing physical, mental, and emotional well-being. As the world becomes increasingly fast-paced and technology-driven, the simple act of walking in nature offers a profound antidote. Here are the many health benefits of hiking, from cardiovascular improvements to mental clarity, and why it should be a regular part of your wellness routine: Cardiovascular fitnessOne of the...

Is your cup of garam chai curing your headache or giving you one?

Tea is one of the most popular beverages in the world, with various types like chamomile and green tea that may offer different benefits for your body.

10 career paths for you after completing PhD in Ayurveda

Here are 10 career paths for you if you have completed your PhD in Ayurveda.

Soaking dry fruits in water vs soaking them in milk: Which is healthier?

Soaking dry fruits in water or milk enhances texture, digestion, and hydration. Water preserves natural nutrients without extra calories, beneficial for heart health and easier digestion. Milk enhances taste, protein, and calcium, aiding muscle and bone health, ideal for athletes and children. Choice depends on dietary preferences and restrictions. Read the article to know more.

Benefits of eating 6 soaked almonds every morning

Daily consumption of soaked almonds improved nutrient absorption, boosted heart and brain health, managed weight, aided digestion, and helped diabetes patients. High in nutrients, these nuts offered excellent health benefits.

Over 1800 disease outbreaks reported across country last year: Govt

A total of 1,862 disease outbreaks were reported to the Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme last year, with the highest number being reported from Kerala, the Lok Sabha was informed on Friday. Kerala reported 253 outbreaks, followed by Karnataka with 223, Maharashtra with 208, and Madhya Pradesh with 140.

Weight Loss Story: This 23-Year-Old Girl Lost 34 Kgs By Dancing In 1.5 Years

Real life weight loss story: If you have the passion to do something, then nothing can stop you. This turned out to be true for 23-Year-Old Manvi Kedia who achieved her weight loss goals with her passion for dancing. She was able to lose 34 Kgs within 1.5 years due to dancing. Here’s her story.

Anxiety In Older Adults May Increase Dementia Risk By Three Times, Finds Study

A new study published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society said that people who have anxiety could have three times increased risk of developing dementia. Researchers said that people whose anxiety was resolved did not have a higher dementia risk compared to those who never had it. Read on to know more about the study.

Bhagavad Gita's timeless lessons on peace and mental well-being

Mental health, including depression and stress, is important. Understanding ourselves, connecting with our soul, and finding peace and happiness despite changes is the key. Bhagavad Gita teachings help overcome anxiety and stress, promoting mental well-being.

3 Ways To Use Bananas For Skin Lightening, Reducing Wrinkles, and Clearing Hyperpigmentation

3 Ways To Use Bananas For Skin Lightening, Reducing Wrinkles, and Clearing Hyperpigmentation #Khichibeauty #khichibeautytips #foryou In this video, I will show you 3 ways to use bananas to make a facial mask, that can help to lighten and brighten the skin, while reducing wrinkles and fine lines Try some Khichi Beauty Skincare masks here VISIT MY YOUTUBE STOREFRONT 25 DAYS SKINCARE CHALLENGE PLAYLIST #NSaleOnYouTube SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY VIDEOS! SUBSCRIBE TO MY OTHER CHANNELS 1. Khichi Beauty Vlog 2. ALESMAXii TURN GRAY HAIR BLACK CLICK THE LINKS FOR👇🏾 Gift box for Hyperpigmentation - Gift box for wrinkles - 4 Anti -Aging set of creams - PRODUCTS MENTION COLLAGEN CREAM RETINOL CREAM CAFFEINE EYE CREAM Khichi Beauty Retinol Serum - Khichi Beauty vitamin C Serum - Khichi Beauty Hyaluronic Acid Serum - Khichi Beauty Retinol Serum - Khichi Beauty vitamin C Serum - Khichi Beauty Hyaluronic Acid Serum - GET THE TURMERIC COLLECTION HERE TURMERIC FACE WASH TURMERIC TONER TURMERIC FACE CREAM TURMERIC FACE OIL TURMERIC FACE MASK GET YOUR Khichi Beauty OILS HERE ROSE HIP OIL PAPAYA OIL APRICOT OIL https://khichi TEA TREE OIL POMEGRANATE OIL ROSEMARY OIL STAR ANISE OIL GRAPE SEED OIL ALOE VERA OIL KITCHEN SMALL BLENDER SMALL USB WHISK SMALL GLASS BOWLS MEASURING CUPS FACIAL STEAMER* If you are new to my channel a BIG VIRTUAL HUG to you and WELCOME to the family. Thanks for watching! DON'T FORGET TO LIKE, COMMENT, AND SHARE! Thanks for SUBSCRIBING and SUPPORTING! Thank you all for your constant support. Love you guys. Thank you for watching!! XOX Business Inquires Please EMAIL [email protected] Disclosure: All thoughts and opinions are my own. Disclaimer: The information provided in this video is for general purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice. I am not a licensed professional so make sure to consult with your professional consultant in case you need to. FTC: DESCRIPTION BOX CONTAINS AFFILIATE LINKS* FOR A SMALL COMMISSION ON PURCHASED PRODUCTS. Affiliate links support our channel, so we can continue to make videos for you. Thank you for the support

Uttanasana: Health Benefits Of The Standing Forward Bend, How To Do It

There are different yoga asanas and each of them has its own benefits. One of them is Uttanasana. Also known as the Standing Forward Bend, this asana has several health benefits. Read on to know more about the health benefits of the standing pose and how to perform the asana.

Vasudha Rai swears by this masoor dal DIY face mask for radiant skin

The addition of raw milk not only acts as a medium for grinding but also provides moisture and nourishment to the skin, said Dr Rinky Kapoor, consultant dermatologist, cosmetic dermatologist and dermato-surgeon, The Esthetic Clinics

Water Fasting Yields Remarkable Weight Loss: Individual Sheds 13 Kilograms in 21 Days | ABP Health Live

People employ diverse methods to lose weight, from adjusting their diets to rigorous exercise regimens. In a parallel story, Adis Miller from Costa Rica recently achieved remarkable results within 21 days, shedding an impressive 13 kilograms. Her method of choice was water fasting, a practice where only water is consumed for a specified period. Water fasting involves abstaining from all food and beverages except water, aiming to promote...

'Extreme heat epidemic': Growing number of workers face exposure to heat stress, says UN report

UN has warned that humanity is suffering an extreme heat epidemic... It added that a growing number of workers are facing exposure to heat stress, even in regions with traditional mild climates...

What happens to your body when you have roasted chana every day?

The fibre and protein in roasted chana can also help with satiety, potentially aiding in weight management by promoting a feeling of fullness.

Best Korean beauty hacks for men to look younger

Let's take a look at the Korean beauty skincare tips for men.

5 Easy Ways To Consume Tulsi Leaves On Empty Stomach

The religious significance of the Tulsi plant in Hinduism is unrivalled. A Vaishnava legend relates the origin of the tulsi to the Samudra Manthana, the churning of the cosmic ocean by the devas and the asuras. Its religious significance has caused tulsi leaves to be held with reverence with medicinal properties for years. More than 100 ailments can be cured by tulsi leaves. Its long history of use in Ayurveda can be attributed to the medicinal...