
Best exercises: 5 easy home exercises for managing upper back pain

Upper back pain can be a persistent nuisance, affecting your daily activities and overall quality of life. Whether it stems from poor posture, muscle strain, or other underlying issues, finding relief can sometimes be challenging. However, there's good news—you can effectively manage upper back pain from the comfort of your own home through targeted exercises: Thoracic Extension StretchOne of the leading causes of upper back pain is poor...

Cucumber raita or lauki raita; which is better for your health as per Ayurveda?

Not all raitas are healthy for you. As intense heatwave grips the country, here's what a Yoga expert has to say about consumption of curd.

Unveiling the truth behind the Vampire Facial: Harnessing the body's healing powers for radiant skin

The vampire facial, a popular beauty treatment, uses the patient's blood for skin rejuvenation. Despite myths, it's safe when performed in a medical facility. Ongoing research indicates broader applications beyond skincare, such as hair growth and joint pain relief.

5 warning signs of high cholesterol on your face and eyes

High cholesterol can show up as yellowish pimples on face or changes in cornea. Here are signs to watch out for.

Signs and symptoms associated with rheumatological diseases in children

Many associate arthritis with elderly, overlooking the fact that children can also be affected. Watch out for these signs of rheumatological diseases in kids

A cardiologist shares how he got fit and lost 30 pounds with strength training and a high-protein vegan diet

Dr. Amar Shere said he lost 30 pounds to become a good role model for patients by following a high-protein vegan diet and a strength-training routine.

Swelling In Pancreas: Know The Painful Signs You Should Not Ignore

Pancreatitis is inflammation in your pancreas, which might feel like stomach pain that spreads to your back. Your pancreas is an organ in your abdomen that sits between your stomach and spine. According to doctors, when your pancreas is inflamed, this entire process malfunctions, leading to severe pain and discomfort. Read on to know about a few symptoms you must not ignore.

Mental health challenges faced by children and early signs to look out for

Recognizing and addressing mental health challenges in children is crucial for their well-being. Early intervention, support, and professional help play a vital role in ensuring children receive appropriate care and lead fulfilling lives.

Study Finds Weight Loss Jabs Can Reduce Risk Of Heart Attack, Stroke By 20 Per Cent

Semaglutide which is the active ingredient in weight loss injections like Wegovy and Ozempic can help to reduce the risks of heart attack, stroke or death due to cardiovascular disease by nearly 20%. The study says that semaglutide gave cardiovascular benefits to people even if they had mild obesity or had lost only a small amount of weight. Read on to know more about the study.

Eye care during a beach vacation: Tips to protect eyes from sun, sand and water

Ensure eye protection from sunlight, sand, and water by wearing sunglasses, hats, and sunscreen. Stay hydrated and take breaks to prevent eye fatigue and maintain good eye health.

Trainer shares 4 habits that have helped him stay fit for over a decade; here’s what they are

"Whether it's a brisk walk, a short workout, or a yoga session, these activities enhance cardiovascular health, improve flexibility, and contribute to weight management," said fitness trainer Garima Goyal.

Why Does White Hair Not Return To Its Original Colour After Turning Grey?

Once your hair turns grey or white, it cannot return to its original colour because it is genetic or age-related. When your hair follicles lose melanin - the pigment responsible for hair colour, they stop producing it on their own. And so, as the melanin production slows, hair becomes grey and subsequently white, when production stops completely. Read on to know more.

Nutrition alert: One muskmelon (about 552 grams) contains…

Avoid juices, smoothies or desserts made with muskmelon, as these can be very high in calories and contain a high amount of sugar, said Rutu Dhodapkar, Dietetics Team, P D Hinduja Hospital & Medical Research Centre, Khar

Why Is Spondylitis Often Misunderstood As Back Pain? Know Ways To Distinguish And Treat The Symptoms

Ankylosing Spondylitis or AS can sometimes be mistaken for common backache. Common backache often comes in short and painful spells. But the pain from ankylosing spondylitis is likely to be long-lasting. Read on to know how to distinguish.

Exercise tips: 10 healthy drinks that boost stamina, help muscles recover faster

Staying properly hydrated is crucial for optimising performance and supporting recovery during physical activity, whether you're hitting the gym, going for a run, or engaging in any other exercise. While water is essential, there are occasions when your body requires more than just plain H2O to fuel itself effectively. So, let’s explore 10 hydrating workout drinks that not only quench your thirst but also provide vital nutrients and electrolytes to assist your fitness journey.Coconut water: Coconut water serves as a natural sports drink, delivering a refreshing and hydrating solution packed with electrolytes like potassium, sodium, and magnesium, says Delhi-based fitness trainer Raghav Goyal. With its low calorie and sugar content, coconut water is an excellent option for replenishing lost fluids during vigorous workouts, maintaining hydration levels, and supporting optimal muscle function (Image: Canva)Watermelon juice: Watermelon juice is a delicious and hydrating choice for fitness enthusiasts, boasting a rich array of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. This beverage helps combat oxidative stress induced by exercise and contains citrulline, which aids in enhancing endurance and reducing post-workout muscle soreness, says Goyal (Image: Canva)Lemon water: Lemon water provides a simple yet effective way to stay hydrated during workouts. Its vitamin C content boosts immunity, while its natural electrolytes replenish those lost through sweat. Additionally, lemon water supports digestion and detoxification, aiding in flushing out toxins from the body (Image: Canva)Green tea: Green tea serves as an excellent pre-workout drink, offering hydration, antioxidants, and a mild energy boost. The catechins found in green tea enhance fat oxidation and improve endurance, while its anti-inflammatory properties aid in faster post-exercise recovery, reducing muscle soreness and promoting overall well-being (Image: Canva) Tart Cherry Juice: Tart cherry juice is packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that facilitate muscle recovery and reduce inflammation after workouts. Studies suggest that tart cherry juice may alleviate muscle soreness, thereby enhancing recovery time between training sessions, says Goyal. Its melatonin content also contributes to improved sleep quality, supporting overall workout performance (Image: Canva)Aloe vera juice: Aloe vera juice is a hydrating beverage rich in vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and amino acids. It supports muscle recovery, immune function, and digestion, making it an ideal choice for post-workout hydration. Aloe vera's anti-inflammatory properties help alleviate exercise-induced muscle aches, promoting faster recovery and reducing discomfort (Image: Canva)Chia seed water: Chia seed water acts as a natural energy booster due to its omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and protein content. It sustains energy levels during workouts, promotes satiety, and aids in muscle recovery, suggests Goyal. Chia seeds also regulate blood sugar levels and support digestion, making them a valuable addition to your workout routine (Image: Canva)Chocolate milk: Chocolate milk may seem unconventional, but it's a beneficial post-exercise recovery drink. Its combination of carbohydrates, proteins, and electrolytes replenishes glycogen stores, repairs muscle tissue, and restores hydration levels. Additionally, chocolate milk provides essential nutrients like calcium, vitamin A, and magnesium, supporting bone health and overall recovery (Image: Canva)Fruit-infused water: Fruit-infused water offers a delicious and nutritious way to stay hydrated during workouts. The natural sugars in fruits provide a subtle energy boost, while vitamins and minerals support overall health. Experiment with different fruit combinations to create refreshing beverages that keep you hydrated and motivated throughout your exercise regimen (Image: Canva)

5 things every student needs to do for better mental health

In a world that is constantly rushing, mental health practices have become as important as eating, sleeping or breathing. Making a few lifestyle changes along with giving 15-20 minutes to mind-related practices can go a long way to support good long-term mental health in students. Check out these tips.

15 best fruits and vegetables that promote longevity

Take a look at 15 best fruits and vegetables that promote longevity.

6 Health Benefits Of Achaar You Probably Didn't Know

Pickles have long been a cherished tradition in our homes, crafted with a variety of flavours and ingredients. They are preserved foods consisting of chopped vegetables or fruits combined with vinegar and spices. These spices not only enhance the pickle’s flavour but also boost its nutritional value. However, did you know that pickles offer more benefits beyond simply adding taste to your meals?Let’s take a look:Source of Probiotics:Eating...

Ancient Wisdom Part 25: Black pepper, a warming spice that can help prevent cancer, relieve arthritis pain

Black pepper is regarded as a healing spice in Ayurveda having cleansing and antioxidant properties. Here are all the benefits of the wonderful spice.

Diabetes from too much sugar, and 15 health myths you should stop believing in

While some health myths may seem harmless, believing in them can lead to ineffective treatments or unnecessary worries.

9 benefits of having watermelon and how to check if it’s injected with colour

Watermelon offers hydration, nutrients, and health benefits like heart health, weight management, and improved digestion. Check for injected colors by inspecting the rind, flesh, smell, taste, and hardness.

What is Dementia? Who all are at risks? Here's all you need to know

Dementia is a brain disorder that impairs one's ability to remember, think, or make decisions that interfere with everyday activities. Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia, which is highly prevalent in India.

Why women suffer from depression more than men

Global awareness of mental health issues, particularly depression, has increased. Women face unique challenges due to the gender gap, societal pressures, and biological factors, leading to higher rates of depression. Support groups play a vital role in empowering women's emotional health.

Is Bathing At Night In Summer Advisable? Expert Answers

To get rid of the heat from the scorching sun, many people like to take a bath with cold water every night before going to sleep. Bathing in cold water in hot weather brings freshness. Many people bathe several times a day during the summer season. Many studies also reveal that taking a bath at night has many health benefits. That’s why many people prefer bathing at night, that too in every season. But taking cold water baths at night is really...

Dengue Or Fever? Here's How To Distinguish Between The Two

Reports of Dengue cases have increased drastically across the globe in recent times. World Health Organisation (WHO) has reported a hike from about 5 lakh cases in the year 2000 to 52 lakh cases in 2019. The majority of the cases are asymptomatic or mild and self-managed, hence the actual numbers might be under-reported. One of the most prevalent symptoms of dengue is fever. But, how do we distinguish between normal fever and dengue?Dengue...

7 tips to hydrate your skin the right way, according to skincare experts

To have optimal hydration isn’t as easy or simple as applying moisturiser periodically. Here are 7 tips with comprehensive approach to hydrate skin effectively

Yasmin Karachiwala Shares The Power of a Protein-Rich Diet and Regular Exercise

Are you experiencing the familiar struggle of not being able to lose weight despite exercising, controlling your diet, and getting enough sleep? If this sounds like you, there’s no need to worry. It might be time to reconsider your protein intake. Protein is a crucial element for building muscle mass and shedding fat. It is one of the three essential macronutrients, along with fats and carbohydrates. A diet high in protein not only increases...

Summer special: Diabetics, do not forget to add zaam to your meal plan this season

When ripe, watery rose apples can be eaten fresh or incorporated into salads

How To Lose Weight Without Getting On A Diet

Although it's widely accepted that a 70% diet and 30% exercise regimen is the best way to lose weight quickly and effectively, Here are six methods to lose weight without going on a rigid diet:

Impact of hyperthyroidism on skin health: Symptoms and tricks to protect your skin if you suffer from thyroid problems

Hyperthyroidism and skin well-being: Watch out for these signs; employ these effective strategies to safeguard your skin from repercussions of thyroid disorder

What Happens When You Eat Amla Every Day?

Amla is a fruits rich in nutrients and is known for its health benefits. Rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, it boosts the immune system and promotes skin, hair and heart health. Amla also helps in digestion, regulates blood sugar and improves brain function. Despite benefits, excessive consumption may cause certain side effects. Read on to know what happens when you eat amla everyday.

Cardiovascular Diseases: How Exercise Can Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease

Cardiovascular diseases are a group of diseases affecting the heart and blood vessels. These incorporate conditions like coronary artery disease, stroke, hypertension, heart failure and peripheral artery disease. Unhealthy diet, lack of physical activity, nicotine use, high blood pressure, high cholesterol level and diabetes are some of the major factors that contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular sickness is a...

8 simple things that give immense positive and healthy energy

Adding these eight simple practices into your daily routine can help you unlock a wealth of positive energy and vitality, allowing you to live life to the fullest and thrive in mind, body, and spirit. So why wait? Start embracing these habits today.

Viral video calls ghee a fat burner. Experts fact-check

Next time someone offers you ghee, don't run away from it; instead, add it to your diet. A good fat, ghee is loaded with benefits, but is it a fat burner?

38-year-old woman says high-protein meals helped her lose over 63 kgs; we find out if that can be possible

Our bodies require a steady supply of nutrients, particularly carbohydrates, protein, and iron, to fuel physical activity and maintain stamin

All you need to know about that bump at the base of your neck (including when to see a doctor)

Is the neck or buffalo hump an indication of high cortisol levels in your body? Here s what an expert has to say about this condition

Piles: Causes, Symptoms And How To Treat Them

Haemorrhoids, commonly known as piles, are swollen blood vessels that develop inside or around the anus. It often happens because of excessive strain during your bowel movements or when you are constipated. While they often get better within a few days, they may also pester a patient for a long period and make it difficult for them to go to the loo. With time, this problem is seen both in older and younger generations.Piles usually look like...

Rainbow of antioxidants: How purple and blue elixir teas boost your immune system in harmony with organic nutrients

Discover the magic of purple and blue tea elixirs: Enhance your immune health and well-being with the healing power of vibrant antioxidants

12 benefits of eating custard apple

Beyond their satisfying taste, custard apples are immensely nutrient-rich, making them beneficial for various health reasons. Here are the top 12 benefits of incorporating custard apples into your daily meals.

Weight Loss: Doctor Shares Three Ways That Can Help You Shed Belly Fat

Losing weight involves taking various factors such as diet, exercise, sleep and stress among others. While there's no easy way, Dr. Michael Mosley suggests three ways for reducing belly fat: limit sugar intake, embrace intermittent fasting with an 800-calorie limit, and engage in high-intensity training alongside dietary changes. These tweaks can help you get effective results.

Best hair oils: These 9 oils will nourish, protect, and shine your hair in summer

Summer brings with it a myriad of hair woes, including dryness, frizz, breakage, and scalp irritation. Exposure to UV rays can lead to protein damage in the hair shaft, resulting in dryness and brittleness. Additionally, the humidity can cause the hair to swell, leading to frizz and loss of definition in curls or waves. It's essential to follow a proper hair care routine to combat these issues and keep your locks looking and feeling their best.One effective way to maintain good hair health is through the practice of hair oiling. This ancient practice involves massaging herbal oils into the scalp and hair to nourish, strengthen, and protect the strands. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), regular oiling can help improve hair texture, reduce breakage, and promote hair health Here are 9 different herbal oils that can help keep your locks luscious this summer (Image: Canva)Coconut oil: A go-to oil, it is a powerhouse when it comes to hair care. Coconut oil creates a protective layer around the hair, sealing the cuticle and locking in moisture.. According to studies cited by the NIH, coconut oil can help prevent protein loss in the hair, making it an excellent choice for combating dryness and damage (Image: Canva)Argan oil: Rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and fatty acids, argan oil is known for its moisturising and nourishing properties. It helps repair damaged hair, reduce frizz, and add shine. Research suggests that argan oil can improve hair elasticity and protect against environmental damage (Image: Canva)Jojoba oil: It closely resembles the natural oils produced by the scalp, making it an excellent choice for balancing oil production and moisturising the hair and scalp. Studies have shown that jojoba oil can help improve hair texture, reduce dandruff, and promote hair growth (Image: Canva)Olive oil: Research suggests that olive oil can improve hair softness and manageability. It is rich in vitamins E and K, and also antioxidants, which help to nourish and strengthen the hair. Beaides, it beneficial for dry, damaged hair, as it helps restore moisture and prevent breakage (Image: Canva)Almond oil: A oil that is lightweight and easily absorbed, almond oil is ideal for all hair types. Almond oil contains fatty acids with double bonds that shield against UV damage. It softens and moisturizes dry hair as an emollient. Additionally, it boosts hair elasticity by filling gaps between cuticle cells (Image: Canva)Castor oil: Castor oil offers multiple hair care benefits. Its moisturising effect, attributed to ricinoleic acid, hydrates the hair. The oil's fatty acids deeply nourish the hair follicle. As per a study in NIH, the ricin and ricinoleic acid in castor oil provide germicidal and fungicidal properties, protecting against infections. In androgenetic alopecia, ricinoleic acid may promote hair growth by inhibiting prostaglandin D2 synthase (Image: Canva)Avocado oil: It is packed with vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids that nourish and hydrate the hair. It helps repair damage, smooth frizz, and promote shine. Research indicates that avocado oil can penetrate the hair shaft and strengthen the strands from within (Image: Canva)Amla oil: It possess antifungal properties against various fungi, attributed to unsaturated C18 fatty acids. It contains antioxidants like Vitamin C, gallic acid, ellagic acid, and tannins, which absorb reactive oxygen species (ROS), thus potentially preventing graying of hair. Additionally, it demonstrates potent antibacterial activity against various bacteria (Image: Canva)Rosemary oil: This oil helps improve blood circulation to the scalp, and may also promote hair growth and prevent hair loss. Studies have shown that rosemary oil can help increase hair thickness and density (Image: Canva)

A woman who never worked out until age 66 says a simple exercise routine helped her lose 50 pounds and stabilize her blood sugar

A 70-year-old woman said starting a simple workout routine transformed her health, helping her balance blood sugar and heal chronic pain.

Transform Your Health with Dr. Harshmeet Arora: Expert Dietician & Nutritionist"

In the vibrant streets of Vikaspuri, Delhi, a guiding light in the realm of holistic wellness emerges in the form of Dr. Harshmeet Arora. Her journey from a seeker of knowledge to a revered professional epitomizes the transformative power of passion and dedication. Let's delve into the captivating profile of this pioneer in holistic well-being, whose expertise illuminates’ paths to mental and physical wellness. Embarking on the Journey of...

From diabetes to eye health: Add goji berries to your diet for several health benefits

"Goji berries contain long-chain carbohydrates, which are also called polysaccharides. These compounds play a role in regulating blood sugar in the most effective manner and help treat type 2 diabetes," explained nutritionist Lovneet Batra

ICMR Reveals Ideal Duration Of Sleep, Exercise And Work

Maintaining overall well-being requires a balanced approach towards sleep, work, and exercise. Hence, ICMR has provided guidelines that state the ideal duration of sleep, exercise and work one must follow to live a healthy life. Read on to know more.

Can eating raw garlic clear your acne, or is it just another Instagram hack? Here's what experts have to say

You might have seen numerous videos on Instagram claiming that raw garlic is the magic cure for acne, but does it hold any truth? Well, experts say that the allicin present in garlic helps kill acne-causing bacteria.

'Mental Health Is Still Considered A Taboo' | Teen Mental Health | The Medicine Box | N18V CNBC TV18

'Parents think mental health is a way to seek attention. We need to educate the parents,' says Dr Rahul Verma, Dir-Paediatrics Sciences, Sir HN Reliance Foundation Hospital, on the taboo around mental health, in a chat with Ekta BatraCatch the full show here: #childrenhealth #mentalhealth #teenmentalhealth #attentionseeking #cnbctv18digital🔴CNBC TV18 LIVE TV: to our Channel:👑 Check Out Top CNBC TV18 Playlist Videos: 🔹Lok Sabha Elections 2024:🔹CNBC TV18 Digital Podcast:🔹Sounding Board: 🔹International Videos:🔹CNBC TV18 Market Cafe:🔹CNBC TV18 Digital:🔹CNBC TV18 Weekend Special:🔹CNBC TV18 Next-Gen:🔹Overdrive Show:🔹Young Turks:🔹Starup Streets: can also connect with CNBC-TV18 News OnlineCatch the latest news: CNBC-TV18 round the clock: updated with all the market action in real time: can also stay updated with all the latest news on-the-go with CNBC-TV18 Minis: us on Facebook: us on Twitter: us on Instagram: us on: Linkedin: CNBC-TV18:

Tiny habits that will transform your hormone health

From exposing the eyes to sunlight to taking a short walk after meal, here are a few habits that can transform our hormone health.

Study Finds How Many Hours Of Sleep You Need Each Night

A study found that optimal health requires over 4 hours of physical activity, 8.3 hours of sleep, 6 hours sitting and 5 hours standing. The researchers looked at the data of nearly 2,000 adults and showed light activity benefits glucose control, suggesting regular breaks from sitting improve metabolism. Read on to know more about the study.

Work-life balance: 10 essential tips for achieving harmony in sleep, work and life

Sleep is not just a luxury; it is a biological need. Your body relies on sleep to rejuvenate, repair, and regulate essential functions. Good sleep helps your brains work better, boosts your mood, keeps your immune system strong, and lowers your chances of getting sick. On the other hand, balancing work and personal life is also vital for staying healthy. It helps you feel less stressed, avoid getting too tired, and keeps your relationships...