In discussing the intricacies of human relationships, divorce often surfaces as a contentious topic, with emotional, social, and sometimes religious connotations. Yet, it's crucial to approach this subject with an open mind and a nuanced understanding, recognizing that divorce, in certain circumstances, can indeed be a viable option.

At its core, marriage represents a partnership built on mutual respect, love, and shared goals. However, not all marriages unfold as envisioned. When fundamental differences, unresolved conflicts, or harmful behaviours persist, they can erode the foundation of this partnership. In such cases, divorce can emerge as a necessary step towards personal well-being and emotional health.

Sarita Salwan, Author of The Good Divorce discussed her views on divorce, "the decision to end a marriage should never be taken lightly. It often follows intense efforts to salvage the relationship, including counselling, communication, and compromise. Despite such efforts, some relationships may remain irreparably broken, marked by continual unhappiness or, worse, emotional or physical abuse. Under these circumstances, viewing divorce as an option is practical and essential".

Moreover, the stigma that once clouded divorce has begun to dissipate in many societies. Increasingly, individuals are recognizing that it is healthier to part ways amicably than to remain in a toxic situation. This shift reflects a broader understanding of personal happiness and self-worth, which are now seen as paramount in one's life journey.

For couples with children, the decision to divorce is particularly complex. The impact on younger family members is a significant consideration. However, children benefit more from living in two happy homes than a single, tumultuous one. Observing respectful co-parenting and emotional maturity post-divorce can teach children valuable lessons about managing relationships and resolving conflicts.

"Financial implications are also a critical aspect of divorce. While the process can be economically straining, staying in an unhappy marriage can sometimes lead to greater financial harm in the long run, especially if it hinders personal and professional growth. A clear-eyed assessment of one's financial readiness and potential post-divorce scenario is crucial before proceeding "says Sarita.

Lastly, it is important to approach divorce as a step towards a new beginning rather than a definitive end. Many find that it opens the door to personal growth, deeper self-understanding, and eventually, the opportunity to form healthier relationships. The journey through and beyond divorce can foster resilience and a renewed sense of purpose.

Sarita commented "While divorce should not be viewed casually or as a first resort, it remains a legitimate, sometimes necessary option for those in detrimental marriages. It is a deeply personal decision, one that requires considerable thought and, ideally, guidance from professionals who can offer support and counsel".

Recognising divorce as a possible path is not about endorsing its frequency, but about acknowledging its role as a valid resolution when all other efforts to salvage a marriage have been exhausted. This perspective not only empowers individuals to seek happiness and fulfilment but also promotes healthier relationships and, ultimately, a healthier society.

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