In an era marked by relentless hustle and bustle, finding solace in the great outdoors may be the antidote you have been seeking. Research suggests that engaging in physical activity amid natural settings can be a powerful tool in combating depression and improving your health. This phenomenon, often referred to as ‘green therapy,’ offers a positive approach to wellness that integrates the healing properties of nature with the benefits of exercise.

Science behind green therapy

Whether it is a leisurely stroll through a forest or a brisk hike in the mountains, the sights, sounds, and smells of the natural world have a profound effect on your well-being. Studies have shown a strong correlation between spending time in nature and improved mental health outcomes. In particular, exposure to green spaces has been linked to reduced levels of stress, anxiety, and depression.

Double wellness: When physical activity is combined with the therapeutic benefits of nature, the results can be transformative. Engaging in outdoor exercise not only promotes cardiovascular health and strengthens muscles but also enhances mood and cognitive function. Whether you are jogging along a scenic trail or practicing yoga in a sun-dappled clearing, the synergy between movement and nature amplifies the positive effects on both body and mind.

Here are 7 exercises you can try:

Trail running: Lace up your sneakers and hit the trails for a dynamic cardio workout that immerses you in nature's beauty.

Forest bathing: Not literally though. Take a leisurely stroll through a wooded area, focusing on mindfulness and sensory awareness to reap the calming benefits of nature.

Outdoor yoga: Find serenity in the midst of nature as you flow through yoga poses in a peaceful outdoor setting.

Kayaking or canoeing: Love water? Experience the therapeutic rhythm of paddling as you explore lakes, rivers, or coastal waters.

Rock climbing: Challenge yourself both physically and mentally as you scale natural rock formations in breathtaking outdoor settings.

Cycling: Go for on a scenic bike ride along winding country roads or picturesque coastal paths for an invigorating outdoor adventure.

Wilderness hiking: Venture off the beaten path and into the wilderness, where each step brings you closer to the healing embrace of nature.

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