If you are struggling to lose weight, make water one of your biggest allies. Our bodies are made up of about 60 percent water, and it does a lot of important things for us, like helping us think clearly and burn fat. We need water for our bodies to work their best. While it doesn't directly cause quick weight loss, water has a big impact on how fast we burn calories and how well we digest food. When we drink water, it can make us feel full, which helps us not eat too much. Studies show that drinking cold water can boost our metabolism because our body must work harder to warm it up to our body temperature.

Choosing water instead of drinks with lots of calories like sodas or juices can help you consume fewer calories every day. During exercise, water is really important for your musclesto work well and to keep enough blood in your body, which helps burn calories while working out. Also, water helps get rid of wastefrom your body, acting like a cleaner for your natural waste removal system.

While water isn't a fast weight loss solution, it is a strong tool.

Why water helps with weight loss

Feeling full:

Sometimes when we think we're hungry, we're just thirsty. Drinking water can make us feel full, so we're less likely to eat too much, says nutritionist Ruchi Sharma.

Boosting metabolism:

When we drink cold water, our bodies must work harder to warm it up. This extra work can speed up our metabolism, helping us burn more calories.

Cutting calories:

Water has zero calories, unlike soft drinks or juices. So, choosing water over these drinks means we're not taking in extra calories.

Fuel for exercise:

Water is super important when we're working out. It helps our muscles and keeps our blood flowing well, which is crucial for a good workout, says Sharma.

Clean out toxins:

Our bodies need water to get rid of waste. Drinking enough water helps us avoid constipation and bloating.

Help burn fat:

Studies show that staying hydrated helps our body burn fat for energy.

Improve mood:

When we're dehydrated, we can feel tired and less focused. This can make it hard to make healthy choices.

More benefits of water

Clear skin:

Drinking enough water can make our skin look great, almost like using an expensive moisturiser.

Better thinking:

Our brains need water to work well. Even a little dehydration can make it hard to think clearly.

Healthy blood pressure:

Water helps keep our blood at the right thickness, which is good for our hearts and helps prevent high blood pressure.

How much water do we need?

You might have heard the rule of "eight 8-ounce glasses a day," but it's not the same for everybody. Experts suggest around 91 ounces for women and 125 ounces for men each day. But remember, how much water you need depends on things like how active you are and the weather. A simple way to know if you're drinking enough water is to check the colour of your pee. If it's a light yellow, you're likely doing a great job.

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