
Is heatwave making you cranky? Impact of extreme heat on moods; how to deal with it

Literally losing your cool every now and then during heatwave? It isn't your fault. Know how extreme heat is affecting your moods.

Hip Dysplasia: Causes, signs, symptoms and treatment

Hip Dysplasia, a condition where the hip joint bones fail to align properly, can impact people of all ages. Symptoms include pain, stiffness, and an increased risk of dislocations. Treatment options range from braces and physiotherapy to surgeries like hip replacement.

Why Roses Are The Most Preferred Herb in Wellness | Benefits of Roses

Roses, utilized for ages across diverse cultures, offer numerous therapeutic benefits. From their fragile petals to sturdy bark, this herb boasts a range of healing properties. It's effective in addressing inflammation, diabetes, stress, seizures, and signs of aging. Incorporating rose essence in aromatherapy provides potent relief from stress and anxiety.Moneycontrol is India's leading financial and business portal with in-depth market coverage, analysis, expert opinions, and a gamut of financial tools.A part of Network18, is the most influential destination for stock market news and advice, business news, and news about the Indian and global economy.Subscribe: us:Visit

Swimmer’s ear: Causes, symptoms, treatment and essential prevention tips

A swimmer’s ear can become serious if it spreads to other areas around the ear, such as the skull. Know its symptoms, treatment and essential prevention tips

Your pet is more than just a furry friend, they come with real health benefits

In your life, the presence of your pet holds more significance than you may realise. Apart from being a great companion, they are also very good for your health.

Study Finds How Many Hours Of Sleep You Need Each Night

A study found that optimal health requires over 4 hours of physical activity, 8.3 hours of sleep, 6 hours sitting and 5 hours standing. The researchers looked at the data of nearly 2,000 adults and showed light activity benefits glucose control, suggesting regular breaks from sitting improve metabolism. Read on to know more about the study.

5 things every student needs to do for better mental health

In a world that is constantly rushing, mental health practices have become as important as eating, sleeping or breathing. Making a few lifestyle changes along with giving 15-20 minutes to mind-related practices can go a long way to support good long-term mental health in students. Check out these tips.

This is how long you need to sit, sleep, and exercise in a day

The study revealed a clear trend: less sitting, more standing, activity, and sleep were associated with better health outcomes.

Getting Acne Breakouts During Pregnancy? Gynecologists Shares Possible Causes, Risks And Treatment

Pregnancy is a beautiful journey but it comes with all sorts of uncomfortable and inconvenient bodily changes. From weight gain to cravings, all are a part of pregnancy. Having said that, there have been many cases where pregnant women experience acne. But why? We got in touch with health experts who have explained the reasons behind breakouts during pregnancy. Read on to know more.

10 regional sweets of India that also have some amount of nutrition

Traditional Indian sweets are not just indulgent treats but also offer a nutritious blend of protein and essential nutrients....

All you need to know about that bump at the base of your neck (including when to see a doctor)

Is the neck or buffalo hump an indication of high cortisol levels in your body? Here s what an expert has to say about this condition

10 healthy habits of mentally strong children

1.0 healthy habits of mentally strong children

Dengue Or Fever? Here's How To Distinguish Between The Two

Reports of Dengue cases have increased drastically across the globe in recent times. World Health Organisation (WHO) has reported a hike from about 5 lakh cases in the year 2000 to 52 lakh cases in 2019. The majority of the cases are asymptomatic or mild and self-managed, hence the actual numbers might be under-reported. One of the most prevalent symptoms of dengue is fever. But, how do we distinguish between normal fever and dengue?Dengue...

Boost your digestive system with these 6 easy drinks for a happy and healthy gut

Your gut is like the foundation of your body's health. It manages the complex process of breaking down food, extracting important nutrients, and getting rid of waste. Plus, it has a big impact on your immune system, mental balance, and also prevents chronic illnesses. A healthy gut, full of good bacteria, not only helps you absorb nutrients better but also protects against harmful germs. Multiple studies show that a strong gut doesn't just boost your mood and brainpower but also connects closely to your well-being. So, taking care of your gut with a balanced diet, probiotics, and healthy habits pays off big time for an improved health and energy. Here are 6 simple homemade drinks to perk up your digestion (Image: Canva)Lemon water: Kickstart your day with warm water mixed with fresh lemon juice. It is not just a refreshing way to start your morning, but it also helps wake up your digestion, keeps you hydrated, and aids in breaking down food efficiently (Image: Canva)Fennel tea: Fennel seeds, also called saunf, are good for your gut. Brew up some fennel tea to soothe digestive discomfort. Fennel seeds are known for calming digestive issues like bloating and indigestion, thanks to their natural compounds that relax the stomach muscles and ease gas (Image: Canva)Aloe vera juice: Aloe vera is good for your skin, so you know. Discover the digestive benefits of aloe vera beyond skincare. It's packed with compounds that reduce inflammation and enzymes that improve digestion, making it great for managing conditions like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) (Image: Canva)Carom seeds water: Carom seeds, also referred to as ajwain, have long been used to reduce stomach discomfort, a practice steeped in tradition. Making a drink from ajwain seeds offers a good remedy that enhances stomach acid production, fights indigestion, and aids in the healing of peptic ulcers. Ajwain's carminative attributes effectively relieve gas, while its fibre content promotes regularity in bowel movements (Image: Canva)Mint tea: Enjoy the soothing effects of mint leaves on your digestive system. Mint's menthol content relaxes stomach muscles, relieving spasms, bloating, and gas (Image: Canva)Ginger tea: Turn to ginger for its anti-inflammatory powers to ease indigestion and bloating. Ginger tea calms the stomach, dispels gas, and can even help with nausea (Image: Canva)

Weight Loss Story: This Woman Ditched Gluten And Dairy And Lost 20 Kgs In 6 Months

Real life weight loss story: A woman shares how she dealt with a host of health issues like PCOS, an autoimmune condition, depression and irritable bowel syndrome. With her back against the wall, she had a hope in her heart to live life to fullest again, and she did make her wish come true by losing 20 kgs and becoming healthy again.

Summer special: Diabetics, do not forget to add zaam to your meal plan this season

When ripe, watery rose apples can be eaten fresh or incorporated into salads

What Happens To Your Body When You Drink Lassi Or Chaas Everyday In Summer?

Who doesn’t like cool, refreshing drinks like Lassi or chaas that not just hydrate you but help you get a lot of nutrition as well? However, you must also know if it is safe to drink it daily and what changes it can bring to your body.

Is Bathing At Night In Summer Advisable? Expert Answers

To get rid of the heat from the scorching sun, many people like to take a bath with cold water every night before going to sleep. Bathing in cold water in hot weather brings freshness. Many people bathe several times a day during the summer season. Many studies also reveal that taking a bath at night has many health benefits. That’s why many people prefer bathing at night, that too in every season. But taking cold water baths at night is really...

Is sugar really bad? How much to consume daily

Sugar's impact on health and weight gain is debated. Added sugars in processed foods contribute to calorie surplus, while moderation, calorie deficit, and awareness of hidden sugars are key to managing weight and health. Here are all the facts and myths surrounding sugar to uncover the truth behind its role in our diets.

Best exercises: 7 short but effective routines to reach your fitness goals even with a busy schedule

You might argue that your life is too hectic to fit in exercise, but remember, excuses will not get you far. Prioritising your health is essential, as they say, "health is wealth" for a reason. Spoorthi S, Fitness Expert at Cult shares some quick workouts that are designed especially for you if you are juggling the rigors of a busy lifestyle. "These exercises provide doable ways to maintain an active and motivated lifestyle even in the middle of the workday," says the expert (Image: Canva)Walking: Probably the easiest yet least appreciated type of exercise, the best thing about walking is that it does not take a lot of time, only requires minimal equipment, and can be done almost anywhere. Moreover, walking can be a great way to improve your cardiovascular health and reduce stress. Take a brisk walk during your lunch break or a stroll around the neighborhood after dinner (Image: Canva)HIIT (High-intensity interval training): Perfect for busy schedules, it involves short bursts of intense exercise followed by brief rest periods. These workouts are super effective and keep burning calories even after you are done, thanks to the "afterburn" effect (Image: Canva)Stretching: The simple act of stretching often gets overlooked. However, it is really important for staying flexible and avoiding injuries, especially if you tend to sit a lot. You can stretch almost anywhere – on the couch, at your desk, or while waiting for the kettle to boil. Even just a little bit of stretching each day can help reduce stress, fix your posture, and make you feel better (Image: Canva)Tabata: In just four minutes, Tabata delivers maximum results with 20 seconds of intense exercise followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated for eight rounds. It torches calories, boosts metabolism, and improves cardiovascular fitness, making it perfect for your busy days (Image Canva)Mobility workouts: Your body can suffer from spending a lot of time standing or stooping over a desk. A quick mobility exercise session, lasting 15 to 20 minutes, can significantly reduce the aches and pains that come with leading a busy lifestyle. To increase the range of motion and lessen pain, concentrate on exercises that target the hips, shoulders, and spine; areas that are prone to stiffness (Image: Canva)Running: Put on your shoes and head outside, or onto the treadmill if you have to. Running is a great way to fit in a cardio exercise, even if you only have 20 or 60 minutes to spare. It not only increases heart rate and blood flow, but it also releases endorphins, the feel-good hormones that can improve mood and reduce stress (Image: Unsplash)Full body: A full-body bodyweight workout is your best bet when you are pressed for time. These exercises use only your body weight as resistance to work all of the major muscle groups. Consider exercises like planks, lunges, squats, and push-ups that are all done in a circuit to increase efficiency. They not only increase strength and burn calories, but they also enhance functional fitness, which makes completing daily tasks simpler (Image: Canva)

10 medical reasons behind too much hair fall

Here are 10 medical reasons behind too much hair fall.

AstraZeneca: The 'saviour' of Covid pandemic, marred with misinformation

The year was 2021, and the date was January 4, when, in a terrified world being ravaged by Covid-19, filled with hysteria and panic, the first person outside of clinical trials was administered the first dose of AstraZeneca’s Covid vaccine. AstraZeneca was immediately hailed as the ultimate saviour of humanity. In that year, around 2.5 billion vaccines were administered, and an estimated 6.3 million lives were saved.Then, fast forward to a...

Cardiovascular Diseases: How Exercise Can Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease

Cardiovascular diseases are a group of diseases affecting the heart and blood vessels. These incorporate conditions like coronary artery disease, stroke, hypertension, heart failure and peripheral artery disease. Unhealthy diet, lack of physical activity, nicotine use, high blood pressure, high cholesterol level and diabetes are some of the major factors that contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular sickness is a...

Four healthy lifestyle choices could add years to your life, regardless of your genes, scientists say

The first study to compare the impact of lifestyle changes and genes on our longevity identified four things that could help us live years longer.

Breaking the cycle of negative thinking: 10 cognitive behavioural techniques for improved mental health

10 cognitive behavioural techniques to replace unhelpful thoughts or negative thinking and foster positive emotions and behaviours for improved mental health

Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Symptoms, causes, treatment

About 10 to 15% of the world's population has irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Can consuming olive oil reduce dementia risk? Harvard study reveals

A Harvard study found that daily olive oil consumption could lower the risk of dying from dementia, a brain disorder that impairs a person's cognitive function.

Alzheimer's or dehydration? Forgetfulness in old age is more than a symptom

Have you ever noticed a grandparent of yours suddenly acting confused or forgetful? Yes, it is due to old age, but there might be some other factor responsible for it too, one that could be easily remedied.

How To Lose Weight Without Getting On A Diet

Although it's widely accepted that a 70% diet and 30% exercise regimen is the best way to lose weight quickly and effectively, Here are six methods to lose weight without going on a rigid diet:

Sattu drink: 10 health reasons you should enjoy sattu in summers

To stay hydrated and rejuvenated throughout the summer, including these sattu benefits in your diet.

7 Health Benefits Of Dragon Fruit

Discover the health benefits packed within dragon fruit! From regulating blood sugar and boosting immunity to promoting heart and bone health, this exotic fruit offers a holistic approach to wellness

Keep infants away from sugar, 500g fruit & veg daily — new national dietary guidelines after 13 yrs

Guidelines also advise restricting meal frequency to 2-3 times a day & to avoid ultra-processed foods or those high in fat, sugar & salt. Last such rules were released in 2011.

From Digestion To Heart Health: Health Benefits Of Wood Apple (Bael) Fruit

Wood apple or bael is a summer fruit known for its digestive properties and several other health benefits. It can be enjoyed as a refreshing drink other than your regular water or coconut water. Read on to take a look at some of the health benefits of adding wood apple or bael to your diet.

How to choose the right sunscreen: Beware of these 12 common misconceptions

Sunscreen is a crucial tool in protecting your skin from the harmful effects of the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays. When selecting a sunscreen, there are a few key factors to consider. First, opt for a broad-spectrum sunscreen, which protects against both UVA and UVB rays. Consider your skin type and any sensitivities you may have, opt for a formula that suits your needs, whether it's a lotion, cream, or gel. Additionally, water-resistant, or...

What Is The Deadly MERS Coronavirus That Has Resurfaced In Saudi Arabia, Killing One Person

Saudi Arabia has reported three cases of highly contagious Middle East Respiratory Syndrome of MERS in Saudi Arabia, along with one death recently. According to experts, MERS is a severe respiratory illness caused by a coronavirus, mainly affecting those who live in or travel to the Arabian Peninsula. Around 35 per cent of people diagnosed with MERS have died. Read on to know more.

Best Low-Sugar Vegetables - Ranked From Lowest To Highest

Adding vegetables to your daily meals is not only better for your weight and metabolism, but also helps reduce your blood sugar levels. Doctors say it is a good idea to fill your plate with lower-sugar vegetables like spinach, broccoli, brinjal, and peppers – all of which are also rich in many important nutrients like potassium, calcium, and vitamins. Read on to know which ones are figured out on our list.

Stress And Diabetes: Know How Chronic Stress Leads To High Blood Sugar Levels

Chronic stress is known to have detrimental effects on health. When you have chronic stress, your body continuously activates the stress response system, which leads to the production of stress hormones like cortisol. Elevated cortisol levels over time can result in a range of health issues. Read on to know how chronic stress leads to the development of diabetes.

Why Is Spondylitis Often Misunderstood As Back Pain? Know Ways To Distinguish And Treat The Symptoms

Ankylosing Spondylitis or AS can sometimes be mistaken for common backache. Common backache often comes in short and painful spells. But the pain from ankylosing spondylitis is likely to be long-lasting. Read on to know how to distinguish.

Fever with stomach infection cases rising this summer: Here's what you should do

There is a rise in stomach infections and fever this summer. Usually, a combination of these symptoms could result from a bacterial or a viral infection, but sometimes they can be underlying issues of a bigger medical condition.

9 benefits of having watermelon and how to check if it’s injected with colour

Watermelon offers hydration, nutrients, and health benefits like heart health, weight management, and improved digestion. Check for injected colors by inspecting the rind, flesh, smell, taste, and hardness.

Being and becoming a good doctor in the age of artificial intelligence

A few years ago, I was on a return flight from New Delhi to Paris and New York, when the chief flight attendant suddenly broke up the humming silence and asked passengers to ring the call bell if anyone was a doctor. One physician, a tall and handsome young man, quietly rang the bell and was ushered to the front of the plane where another flight attendant was in physical distress due to a panic attack. The doctor provided the treatment, and the...

This Green Leafy Vegetable Can Help Treat Heart Ailments

Lettuce, a ubiquitous leafy green vegetable, is a staple in various culinary delights worldwide, from salads to sandwiches and soups. Beyond its crisp texture and culinary versatility, lettuce offers a plethora of vital nutrients that can significantly benefit human health, aiding in the prevention of severe ailments such as heart disease and cancer.Research has underscored lettuce’s efficacy in promoting heart health, with regular consumption...

10 magnesium-rich foods essential for women over 30

As women age, it becomes important to include magnesium-rich foods that can help improve nutrition, and support overall well-being. Here are 10 magnesium-rich foods that every woman over 30 should include in their daily diet.

3 Simple Health Tips for Busy Professionals

As working professionals, you are often caught in a whirlwind of deadlines and meetings. These lead to quick, rushed lives and even quicker meals! More often than not these on-the-go meals have little to no nutrition. You then miss out on the fuel you need to drive your hectic and packed schedules. To tackle this, you can follow a few essential and easy RozKaHealthyStep to adopt a healthier lifestyle with convenient yet nourishing meals.Sheryl...

Mental health challenges faced by children and early signs to look out for

Recognizing and addressing mental health challenges in children is crucial for their well-being. Early intervention, support, and professional help play a vital role in ensuring children receive appropriate care and lead fulfilling lives.

38-year-old woman says high-protein meals helped her lose over 63 kgs; we find out if that can be possible

Our bodies require a steady supply of nutrients, particularly carbohydrates, protein, and iron, to fuel physical activity and maintain stamin

5 deliciously healthy beetroot recipes for vibrant and nutritious meals

Discover the goodness of beets with our collection of five healthy and tasty recipes. From salads to desserts, there's something for everyone to enjoy.

Best exercises for office-goers: Beat your sedentary work routine with these epic lifestyle hacks

The office can easily become a health nightmare when you spend hours glued to your desk, surrounded by the sedentary routines of modern work life. There’s a good news. Imagine walking into work, knowing that each step you take could shape your quest to protect your health kingdom like a Game of Thrones hero. The journey starts with smart planning and continues with epic lifestyle hacks that make conquering sedentary routine not only doable but...

A woman lost 55 pounds making 2 easy changes to her diet and exercise habits. Wegovy got her to 105.

A woman eased herself into exercising and healthy eating and lost 55 pounds. That gave her the foundation she needed to lose another 50lbs on Wegovy healthily.

Nutrition alert: Here’s what a 100-gram serving of kundru or tindli contains

Because of its high water and mineral content, G. Sushma, clinical dietician at CARE Hospitals, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad, advised eating it during summers.