Morning Rituals For Korean Glass Skin: Who doesn’t want glass skin like Korean people? If you are a fan of Kdrama, you must want to achieve glowing and clear skin like Korean actors. Korean skin has become a trendsetter and people follow numerous skincare hacks to get Korean skin. We often find ourselves wondering if the Korean people are god-gifted with such impeccable skin. Well, god-gifted or not, they surely do follow certain hacks that help them achieve healthy and radiant skin. Here are some effective morning rituals that you can follow to get Korean glass skin at home.

Morning Rituals For Korean Glass Skin


Hydration is considered of utmost importance when it comes to achieving healthy and glowing skin. Make sure to drink a glass of warm water when you wake up in the morning. You can also add some chia seeds or lemon juice to your water for extra nutrition and hydration.

Morning Exercise

Indulge in easy morning exercises for healthy skin. When you engage in morning exercises, it helps in better flow of oxygen throughout the body, reduces stress, boosts collagen production and gives you a post-workout glow.

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Morning Rituals For Korean Glass Skin (Image Credits: Canva)

Meditation also helps in enhancing skin’s health and leaves your skin glowing. Meditation helps in repairing the body’s cells and tissues, alleviates stress, and gives a fresh glow. By reducing the cortisol levels in the body, meditation helps in enhancing the inner health of the skin.

Healthy Breakfast

It is essential to consume a breakfast rich in vital nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, protein, fibre and others to achieve healthy skin. The skin gets affected by the foods you eat, therefore, always incorporate healthy foods such as fruits, green vegetables, eggs, legumes and nuts into your morning diet.

Facial Massages

Never underestimate the power of facial massages! They not only provide relaxation but also rejuvenate the skin. A good facial massage helps in stimulating blood flow and circulation, and results in brighter and younger-looking skin.

ALSO READ: Queen Of Tears’ Kim Soo Hyun’s Skincare Secrets To Achieve A Flawless And Glowing Skin


(Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment.)

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