In this fast-paced world, we often forget to take good care of ourselves. Our busy routine makes it difficult to focus on our health due to which we may develop nutritional deficiencies. Potassium is an important mineral for our body that plays an important role in managing health problems like high blood pressure or hypertension.

According to WHO, increasing potassium intake in diet can significantly reduce blood pressure in adults. Potassium can also boost heart health, bone health, and muscle and nerve function. The important nutrients also help move nutrients and waste around your body's cells.

Potassium is found in a variety of vegetables, nuts, and seeds like beans and peas, almonds, vegetables such as spinach, cabbage and parsley and fruits such as bananas, papayas and dates.

Observational studies published in Thieme Medical Publishers said, increased consumption of potassium from fruits and vegetables is associated with increased bone mineral density.

Here are 6 potassium-rich foods to control blood pressure.

1. Green vegetables

According to a Harvard Health Study, broccoli, spinach, and other green leafy vegetables are a great choice to control your blood pressure and weight management. Potassium-rich foods are low in calories and carbohydrates. 3 cups of 90 grams of spinach contain 11% of the daily requirement.

2. Banana

Bananas are known to be a rich source of potassium. They are a healthy choice for controlling blood pressure and weight management. Fruits, vegetables, and seeds are also considered a good source of potassium.

3. Sweet potato

Sweet potatoes have 337 mg of potassium per 100 gram and can help manage blood pressure apart from improving kidney function. Sweet potatoes are a storehouse of antioxidants, vitamins and fibre which can work wonders for your digestive and heart health.

4. Coconut water

Coconut water is rich in potassium, sodium, and magnesium and being a natural source of electrolytes can be a healthy replacement to carbonated energy drinks. They help in controlling blood pressure, improving heart health, and aiding in weight management.

5. Pomegranate

Pomegranate is a healthy option; it is rich in potassium, protein, vitamin C, and K. They help in improving heart health, control blood pressure, and help in weight loss.

6. Fish

Fish is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids; it reduces the risk of heart problems, controls blood pressure, and helps sharpen your memory.

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