Green chilies are not a novel ingredient in food, particularly in India. Indians are known for their high spice tolerance and eating green chillies with their meals. Green chiles are a staple in Indian homes because they add taste to the curries, chutneys and pickles. When it comes to their nutritional makeup, green chilies are packed with essential vitamins and minerals including iron, potassium, and vitamins C and A, all of which are crucial for proper bodily function.

You should be aware, though, that other than adding spice to the food, green chillies come packed with a number of health benefits:

Aids in weight loss

The key ingredient in green chilies, capsaicin, has been known to accelerate metabolism. Capsaicin increases metabolism by producing heat when consumed. Weight loss results from the breakdown of stored fat caused by a faster metabolism. The breakdown of fatty acids is aided by the presence of vitamin B5 in chillies. Furthermore, green chilies have no calories that make it a perfect accompaniment with meals.

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Improves eyesight

The World Health Organization states that vitamin A deficiency can lead to night blindness. In more severe situations, it may cause irreversible blindness. Green chillies are rich in vitamin A that may help with vision. In addition, copper, which is beneficial for eye health, is also included in green chilli.

Gives radiant skin

The potent antioxidant vitamin C found in green chillies helps to produce the essential collagen that keeps the skin tight and healthy. It prevents damage by acting as a barrier. The much-discussed phytonutrients effectively treat wrinkles, blemishes, pimples, rashes, and acne, while vitamin E creates naturally occurring oils that are beneficial to skin.

READ ALSO: 5 superfoods packed with both Vitamin B and Vitamin C

Elevates mood

Eating green chilies with your meals can also help you feel happier and less anxious. Green chilies include capsaicin, which acts as an antidepressant and releases "feel good" endorphins to help you maintain a cheerful mood.

Prevents sickness

The phytonutrients in green chilies help to prevent lung ailments including asthma, coughing, and colds, as well as to calm the respiratory tract and reduce the risk of lung cancer. Because of its antibacterial qualities, it protects us against diseases including athlete's foot, zoster, and colon infections.

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