A national level basketball player with 5 '11 height, Vaanya had put on 20 kilos during Covid-19 pandemic when she had come home from her boarding school. “In boarding school, one doesn’t get the kind of food one likes to indulge in. So, by default I had a balanced diet. However, when I came home during the lockdown, I indulged myself in food, and how!” recalls Vaanya.

What prompted Vaanya to lose weight?

Vaanya shares how her relatives would say obnoxious things like, 'Are you going to eat your sister’s food as well?’, ‘It’s hard to recognise you with all the fat that you have put on’. While the comments were definitely hurtful and offensive, Vaanya shares that a lot of peers also didn't recognise her post weight gain. “From being a popular and sought-after girl in the school to people not wanting me in pictures and boys bro-zoning me, my pride was wounded. Driven by the desire to look good, I made a resolve to shed the extra kilos and become a fitter version of myself,” shares Vaanya.

Also read: Weight Loss Story: Know The Diet This Woman Followed To Lose 22 Kilos And Reverse Her PCOS

Diet she followed during her weight loss journey

Vaanya firmly believes that it is 70% diet and 30% workout that plays a role in losing weight. She avoided sugar and replaced it with natural sweeteners. She also eliminated junk and processed food from her diet completely. “I eat home-cooked food with less salt in it and also avoid eating rice. It’s been 8 months since I have had ice-cream and people who know me will tell you how much of a sacrifice that has been for me to make,” she shares. She went on to add that the biggest challenge she faced initially was to keep her food cravings in check.

On her workout

“I have been a national level basketball player, so there was never an issue with stamina,” she shares. From jogging, running, skipping to doing home workouts, all of this helped Vaanya to lose weight the effective way. She would workout for just 40 minutes a day, but it was consistency that helped her come this far.

Also read: Weight Loss Story: After Gaining 30 Kgs Post An Accident, This Police Officer Lost 23 Kgs By Following This Meal Plan

One mistakes she made during the weight loss journey

In order to lose weight quickly, Vaanya shares the mistake of reducing her salt intake and eliminating wheat from her diet. “I experienced low BP on days and that’s when I knew I had to be realistic in my approach. I prefer to take less salt in my meals, but ensure my body is not depleted of it,” she shares.

Compliments she got after her weight loss

"When one sees my 'before' and 'after' pictures, they refuse to believe I am the same girl," she shares. People are in awe of Vaanya's weight loss journey and often seek diet plans for her. One can clearly see how much of confidence she exudes in her latest pictures.

Complete meal plan of Vaanya she followed during her weight loss journey:

Before breakfast

A glass of warm water and a whole fruit


Besan chila/ Egg white / Poha


Lauki sabzi, salad (Tomatoes and cucumber), 200 gm dahi

(She would add 2 chapatis in lunch on alternate days)

Evening snack

Makhanas, dry fruits like almonds and cashew nuts

Dinner (latest by 8pm)

Dal, salad, a glass of milk

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