Life can be exhausting. Between work, relationships, responsibilities, career, we often forget to take care of ourselves and our bodies. When your body is exhausted, it reacts by releasing cortisol and adrenaline, decreasing insulin production and tightening blood vessels. During stressful situations, the body responds to the threat and then recovers from the spike in cortisol. However, if we allow our body to stay in this mode for a sustained period of weeks or months, these spikes become the norm with the long-term effects impacting our overall health.

Therefore, it is important to listen to your body and keep its well-being in check. The best way to ensure this is by taking a break whenever it is needed. Incase you are wondering if your body needs a breather, here are a few signs to look out for.

Emotional changes

When you direly need a break, you might notice feeling gloomier than usual. You will also find yourself experiencing increased anxiety. Stress can often deter you from enjoying day-to-day activities. Not wanting to finish your favorite show? No more interested in completing the book that you started? Take it as a hint that something is off. People who need a break often tend to disassociate themselves and find it difficult to engage.

You might catch a cold or flu

When distressed, your body system will be severely affected. According to many research, stress can weaken your immune system, causing you to get sick more frequently.

Stomach issues

Stress is always associated with digestive issues that further contribute to indigestion and discomfort. It can also lead to more serious conditions like the irritable bowel syndrome.

Sleepless nights

When your body is exhausted, you will find it difficult to have a peaceful night sleep. You will be lazier through the day and your thoughts will overflow during night time. It can also make you anxious which may lead to overeating or undereating.

Cynical or negative feelings

Initially a burnout may look like mild tension. However, it quickly turns into negativity and angry outbursts. At times, you may not even know what you are mad about but you feel cranky permanently. Paying attention to your frustration can help you notice if you are overreacting to minor annoyances and what is your pattern like.

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