NEW DELHI: A 38-year-old man undergoing treatment in Kerala's Malappuram was confirmed with monkeypox (Mpox) infection on Wednesday after showing symptoms of the disease, following his return from Dubai, the State health department said.

Earlier on Tuesday, the State health minister Veena George said that the man had taken precautionary measures by isolating himself from his family after noticing symptoms of monkeypox. "His samples have been sent for testing and the results are awaited," the minister told reporters in Delhi.

According to a district health official, the patient had arrived in Kerala recently and was initially admitted to a private hospital after falling ill.

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"From there he was admitted to the Manjeri Medical College. On suspecting that it might be a case of monkeypox, we sent his samples to the Kozhikode Medical College for testing and the results are awaited," the official added.

Last week, a new case of Mpox was reported in the national capital when a 26-year-old resident of Hisar, Haryana, tested positive for the virus. The individual was subsequently admitted to the Delhi government-run LNJP Hospital for treatment.

The Union health ministry described it as an isolated case, similar to the 30 cases reported in India since July 2022. The ministry emphasized that it is not linked to the current public health emergency declared by WHO, which pertains to clade 1 of Mpox.

(With inputs from agencies)

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