Dengue fever happens to be among the worst conditions affecting millions around the world. Transmitted by the Aedes mosquito, it causes severe symptoms like hemorrhagic fever and a sudden deterioration in platelet count. Also known as thrombocytes, platelets are small cell fragments in our blood that form clots and stop bleeding. They are produced in our bone marrow.

For the unversed, a normal platelet count ranges from 150,000-4,50,000 platelets per microliter of blood. Having less than 150,000 platelets is known as thrombocytopenia. In the case of dengue, the normal platelet counts can come down drastically to 20,000-40,000 platelets.

Integrative lifestyle expert Luke Coutinho recently took to his official Instagram handle and shared a hack for stabilizing your platelet count. He highlighted that papaya leaf juice extract is a powerful remedy.

Papaya Leaf Juice For Stabilizing Platelet Count

The lifestyle expert in his post mentioned how to use them rightly. "Use fresh papa leaves, cut the stems, wash, chop, and extract the juice. Though bitter, it is super for boosting platelets."

Deeming the recipe as "green gold," he said "If fresh leaves are not available, papaya leaf supplements from a local pharmacy are a good alternative, but always follow your doctor's dosage recommendations."

"While dengue can be treated, it can also be fatal. If you experience symptoms like fever, shivering, weakness, loss of appetite, bruising on the skin, or persistent itching of the palms/skin, please seek medical attention immediately," he mentioned in the caption.

There are also many other ways to increase your platelet count, including:

Eating nutritious food

Make sure you are consuming nutritious foods like leafy veggies, iron-rich foods, lentils, pumpkin seeds, papaya, and dairy products. You must also add immunity-strengthening foods like omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin C, vitamin K, and vitamin B12, among others.

Hydration is the key

Hydration is essential. Make sure you consume fluids to maintain the body's fluid equilibrium. This helps in promoting proper workings of various organs. Apart from water, doctors recommend drinking coconut water, and clear broths as they are also high in electrolytes.


It is also important to regain your lost strength with the help of low-intensity exercises or yoga – with Supta Badhakonasana, a yoga pose with a bolster to support the back.

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