A mysterious virus that is causing polio-like symptoms in children is spreading all over the US and has become a cause of concern for healthcare professionals, as reported by Economics Times. The virus is called enterovirus D68 (EV-D68) is not a new virus but has recently resurfaced in and is mainly affecting children. This virus is said to be part of a family of viruses that includes poliovirus. It usually has mild symptoms of a cold but in severe cases, it can also lead to acute flaccid myelitis (AFM). In this severe condition, paralysis or sudden limb weakness can also be seen.

Symptoms and causes

In this disease, one can have symptoms like cough, fever, difficulty in breathing, sore throat, pain in the body, runny nose, in severe cases it can lead to paralysis and damage spinal cord. Children who are suffering from respiratory disease or asthma are said to be in a higher risk zone. Medical experts have been tracking the development of this virus since its breakouts in 2014 and 2018. As per the report, the virus has been found in wastewater across the US.

As for now, there is no treatment for this virus or a vaccine for this. Researchers are studying this virus to get a better understanding of it and to know about its long-term impact. Meanwhile, doctors have advised them to practice basic hygiene routines like washing their hands, avoiding coming in close contact with sick people, and taking special care of children who are dealing with respiratory issues. 

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