Holi, also known as the Festival Of Colours will be celebrated on March 25. People across the country celebrate the festival with colours, flowers and more. They come together to celebrate the festival and also indulge in delectable foods and drinks. Bhang is an edible made from the leaves of the Cannabis plant which is mixed into thandai and other drinks that are enjoyed mainly during Holi and Shivratri.

While it is known to have deep cultural and religious significance, it is also known to have benefits and side effects on your health. It is made from the leaves and buds of the cannabis plant which is then mixed into a paste and then combined with spices, milk, and ghee to create the drink. Earlier, bhang was known for its medicinal properties, giving you relief from various ailments. However, due to its intoxicating effects, Bhang can have mild to severe side effects on your health.

Here, take a look at how bhang addiction affects your health.

Cognitive Impairment

Regular consumption of bhang can lead to significant cognitive impairments due to its psychoactive components. THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol), the primary active substance in cannabis, affects areas of the brain responsible for memory, attention and decision-making. Over time, this can result in a decrease in cognitive functions, making it difficult for people to concentrate, remember important information or perform tasks that require critical thinking.

Mental Health Risks

Bhang addiction is linked to several mental health issues, including anxiety, depression and in severe cases, psychosis. While bhang is often used for its relaxing effects, its impact on mental health can be paradoxical, especially in people who have a predisposition to mental health disorders. Also, certain studies found a correlation between frequent cannabis use and the development of disorders such as schizophrenia.

Dependency and Withdrawal

Like many other substances, bhang can lead to dependency which is characterised by a strong desire to consume the drug despite negative consequences. People may become psychologically dependent on bhang, feeling unable to relax or enjoy in situations without it. Physical withdrawal symptoms can include irritability, sleep disturbances, appetite changes and restlessness, making the process of quitting uncomfortable and difficult to achieve.

Respiratory Problems

Smoking bhang, like smoking tobacco introduces several harmful chemicals into the lungs that lead to respiratory problems. Regular inhalation of cannabis smoke can cause symptoms such as chronic cough, phlegm production and an increased risk of lung infections. There is also a potential risk of developing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and lung cancer.

Impact on Physical Health

Beyond its effects on mental and respiratory health, bhang addiction can also have a negative impact for physical health. It can affect heart rate and blood pressure, increasing the risks to those with pre-existing heart conditions. Also, chronic cannabis use can affect the body’s endocrine and reproductive systems, leading to reduced fertility in both men and women.

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