The incidence of heart attacks among young adults in India has surged in recent years, raising serious public health concerns. While heart diseases were once considered a part of older age groups, there is a troubling shift, with individuals in their 20s and 30s increasingly falling victim to heart attacks. According to a study published by the Indian Heart Association, approximately 25–30% of heart attack cases in India now occur in individuals under 40.

In a conversation with Jagran English, Dr. Aratatran Nahak, Consultant - Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery, Manipal Hospital Patiala listed some important and common factors that are responsible for heart attacks in youngsters.

Factors Causing Heart Attacks In Youth

Sedentary Lifestyle

One of the most significant risk factors is the lack of physical activity. This kind of lifestyle, added to long hours of desk work, leads to obesity, poor heart health, and an increased risk of heart attacks.

Unhealthy Food

High consumption of fast food, processed sugars, and unhealthy fats has been linked to an increase in bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides, which can lead to blocked arteries.


Chronic stress from work, family, or financial pressures contributes to hypertension, a main cause of heart attacks.

Genetic Predisposition

Those with a family history of heart disease are at a higher risk. This genetic predisposition, combined with other lifestyle factors, can significantly increase the likelihood of heart attacks.

Sleep Deprivation

Poor sleep patterns and sleep disorders such as sleep apnea have also been recognized as contributing factors. Inadequate sleep increases the body’s inflammatory response, leading to heart issues.

Heart attack is increasing at an alarming rate in young people (Image Credits: Canva)

Smoking and Alcohol Consumption

Smoking is a major risk factor, as it accelerates the buildup of plaque in arteries. Excessive alcohol consumption also increases blood pressure and weakens the heart muscle.


Diabetes itself is a risk factor for coronary artery disease. If not properly controlled, the risk increases.

Moreover, the expert also said that treating and preventing heart attacks in young individuals involves a multifaceted approach. Medications are often prescribed to manage key risk factors like high blood pressure, cholesterol, and diabetes. These medications help control conditions that can silently damage the heart over time. Lifestyle modifications are also important, especially incorporating regular physical activity, adopting a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and reducing processed food intake, which can significantly lower the risk of heart disease.

ALSO READ: Expert Reveals Major Risk Factors Leading To Spike In Heart Diseases

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