It is a noninvasive procedure to remove unwanted hair on your body from common areas such as the face, underarms, back, legs or bikini area. (Source: Freepik)

Many people opt for hair removal procedures at home, like waxing, shaving, epilation, and creams, for cosmetic reasons. However, there is another method, but that requires professional help -- laser hair reduction. It is a non-invasive procedure to remove unwanted hair from your body. This method of hair removal is growing in popularity, and while the internet is a great resource to know more about it, it's also riddled with misinformation and myths. As such, we are here to help clear any doubts you may have. But before that, let's understand what this method entails.

"Laser hair reduction, commonly referred to as laser hair removal, employs laser technology to minimise or get rid of unsightly body or facial hair. It is a well-liked technique for getting rid of hair permanently and may be used on a variety of body parts, including the face, legs, underarms, bikini line, and the back," Dr Meghna Gupta, director and senior consultant, Delhi Skin Centre, New Delhi told

Talking about how laser hair reduction works, Dr Tanvi Vaidya, a dermatologist, wrote on Instagram, "Laser hair reduction works by using extremely parallel rays of light of a specific wavelength which target the hair root, thus destroying the hair follicle."

Additionally, with each sitting you can expect finer and thinner hair, which takes a longer period of time to grow back. "After a bout 6-8 sitting, you achieve full results, which is a >95% reduction in your original hair growth. Do keep in mind, you will still see a few fine hair that will grow back -- they are barely noticeable, but they will be there even after all your sittings," she added.

Let's bust five myths related to laser hair reduction (LHR):

Myth #1 LHR is permanent

Fact: LHR provides long-term hair reduction, but you may require touch up sessions.

Concurring, Dr Gupta said, "Instead of completely eliminating all hair, laser hair reduction is frequently defined as a long-term reduction in hair growth. Some hair follicles may eventually recover and produce new hair over time, despite the fact that it can severely inhibit hair growth."

Myth #2 LHR is painful

Fact: No, you may experience none or minimal heating or stinging. It is, typically, not very painful. You may feel the heat in certain areas like the upper lip, underarms or the bikini area, but in other areas you may not even feel it.

However, Dr Gupta noted that experiencing minor pain or discomfort depends on the individual's sensitivity.

When carried out by trained experts using the proper tools and processes, laser hair removal is generally regarded as safe. (Source: Freepik)

Myth #3 LHR works on all hair types

Fact: It doesn't work on white hair as it does not have any pigment to target. It also may not work on facial hair if you have active hormonal stimulation such as in PCOS. However, it works on body hair even with active PCOS.

On similar lines, Dr Gupta said that dark, coarse-haired persons with lighter skin tones respond well to laser hair removal. "This is due to the fact that the laser damages the pigment (melanin) in the hair follicles, and the difference between the colour of the skin and hair allows the laser to precisely target and damage the hair follicles. On people with very light or white hair (which lack enough melanin) or very dark skin (which has more melanin and can absorb more laser energy, potentially causing skin damage), laser hair reduction may be less successful," she added.

ALSO READ | Here’s why it is important to shave before laser hair removal

Myth #4 LHR is unsafe

Fact: It is absolutely safe, if done by a certified dermatologist.

Myth #5 LHR can cause cancer

No! It doesn't contain ionising radiation. It has non-ionising radiation that does not cause any cancers. It is strictly light rays that only affect the hair root in your skin.

Agreeing to this, Dr Gupta said, "This is just a myth that it causes cancer. The method is meant to target the hair follicles only, protecting the surrounding skin from damage."

Concluding, the expert said, "Make sure to select a reputable facility or practitioner that has training and experience in laser hair removal. Verify their certifications, reviews and credentials to be sure they possess the required knowledge. Observe any directions given by the practitioner regarding pre-treatment. These can involve staying away from the sun, tanning beds or specific drugs that make the skin more sensitive to the laser."

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