Are you experiencing a cold or cough? Grab some spices from your pantry. A number of herbs and spices have various possible health benefits, including anti-inflammatory, cognitive-boosting, and possibly even cancer-fighting effects, to mention a few. In addition to adding flavor to your food and creating enticing scents, they also shield you against illnesses. Here are 6 spices that must be a part of your winter diet to ward off any winter sickness:


Though expensive, this pretty-tangerine-colored spice is a must-have. In addition to giving your food a striking hue, saffron offers a number of health advantages. Applying a mixture of strands in milk on your forehead will provide immediate relief from colds. This method is an effective way to treat colds.


Today, turmeric, also known as curcumin, is one of the most widely used spices for both culinary and medicinal purposes. Turmeric contains some anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral, and antiparasitic properties, according to lab studies. Research indicates that turmeric's anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities make it the most beneficial of all of these. As a chain-breaking antioxidant and anti-inflammatory spice, turmeric improves oxidative stress with its ability to scavenge toxic free radicals in the body. Turmeric's high antioxidant content can help lower the body's reaction to stress and the likelihood that free radicals will generate.

READ ALSO: 5 Spices that can boost immunity when used as Tea


Ginger's spicy flavor warms both your body and your taste buds. As a natural anti-nausea, ginger helps reduce morning and motion sickness. Its anti-inflammatory qualities fight headaches and muscle aches, while its expectorant qualities relieve congestion and coughs. Additionally, ginger helps the stomach and digestive tract naturally by reducing inflammation, colds, and coughs.


Are laddoos to your liking? Try adding fenugreek seeds, ginger, fennel seeds, and jaggery to make laddoos. Packed with antiviral qualities, fenugreek seeds can eradicate infections that cause sore throats and sniffles.

READ ALSO: Vidya Balan’s anti-inflammatory diet rules you should follow


To enhance the flavors of baked goods, biryanis, calming soups, and rich curries, add this toasty spice. The immune system is strengthened by its potent antimicrobial qualities. Your winter blues will be banished with a cup of hot milk infused with crushed cardamom, nutmeg powder, and a few drops of honey.


Since 2,800 BCE, ancient societies have utilized cinnamon for medicinal purposes, embalming, and anointing. As an antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, and anticarcinogenic spice, cinnamon continues to offer numerous health benefits, despite its less widespread use in medicine compared to thousands of years past. Cinnamon may lower blood sugar, according to a 2015 National Library of Medicine review. Numerous small randomized control trials have suggested its significance in controlling the body's glucose levels, but the findings have not been significant enough to draw firm conclusions.

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